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Rocco Deluca & the Burden (Director: Frank Borin)

A super sexy video filled with visually stunning imagery of the most "colorful" girl in Rocco's world. hi-res qt7

gwan, December 2, 2006 at 2:51:35 AM CET

D.A. Pennebaker meets modern cliche video effect, and heres the twist... theres a naked girl instead of bob dylan.

I bet her back got a tan from the 28 x1000watt HMI's

spreech, December 2, 2006 at 10:11:15 AM CET

... while my guitar gently wanks ...

luk, December 2, 2006 at 11:05:59 AM CET

This is the worst thing i ever seen! What kind of "rockband" is this... that say: we don't show tits, because we're not allowed to. ???

okay. they have guitars but its not rock.

Anyway. Its just boring. And the girl, ..she is so "artistic" (i dont' know the englisch word for it). she is so 'fake'. With her boobs and the highheels... this is "playboy" style. (looks like victory beckaham or any othe model bitch) This video realy sucks!

hman, December 2, 2006 at 1:43:26 PM CET

this not HMI´s ..... it is tungsten light :-)

mutefashion, December 2, 2006 at 10:07:21 PM CET

bad video, bad model, bad acting. valentino ss 2003 anybody? Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

thinkmad, December 3, 2006 at 2:37:34 AM CET

not a good video

mookie, December 3, 2006 at 6:28:13 AM CET

i believe those lights are ruby-7s.

t-rex, December 3, 2006 at 12:15:25 PM CET

Borin talks to Video Static about the video.

kayser_sauze, December 3, 2006 at 9:10:23 PM CET

The model is the former girlfirend of the cousin of Mikko Kouki. Wow.

gwan, December 3, 2006 at 11:03:17 PM CET

they are R-7, with kino banks on the front left + Right at a good distance

Well actulay anakin was part of the sith before his 11th birthday technicaly making him bound to lord nimnib beofre the trilogy even started and thus make the final question answered before the first movie was even over.

frankborin, December 3, 2006 at 11:38:53 PM CET

Looks like I do not have many fans on here.

progosk, December 3, 2006 at 11:39:45 PM CET

gwan - if you've decided to chip in, after such a sizeable absence, while roasted - the least you could do is pass some round...!

as regards the vid: i did like the water curtain projection - but since that's something of a type of beauty that won't really ever compete with hot bods, i kind of hate you for using it here.

casualaesthete, December 4, 2006 at 12:41:09 AM CET

crap song. such a breathy overdone spineless track with baby bottom soft singer needs a violent, excruciating video. This is kind of excruciating but not in the manner it should be. if it looked all nasty like peckinpah then the naked woman would have some edge

robodrug, December 4, 2006 at 4:22:42 PM CET

'Video Static' IN DEPTH: Rocco DeLuca "Colorful"

"Director Frank Borin is a smart man. He knows exactly where your attention is drawn when a naked woman is on-screen and that is where he places footage of singer/songwriter Rocco DeLuca. It's a simple, yet effective conceit that" — may indeed be why the singer looks like a prick, (tut tut, walked into dat one 'Video Static')

mistyrabbit, December 4, 2006 at 4:31:36 PM CET

after 2 seconds, i swiched off...

missdeluca, January 17, 2007 at 9:25:54 AM CET

Ok, i must admit after seeing the first video to colorful, i was mesmerised. If you havent seen it, look for it on youtube. It basically explains the band, and theres no too shorta footage of the bunny either!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the song. In my opinion this guy is one of the best things i have heard, however that is my opinion. I understand not everone is into the same thing...

As for this video.... I think Frank is very creative, the water scene, projecting rocco onto the blanket ect. The only problem is i dont think the girl was a nessecity. Everything just seems to scream sex at the minute, and knowing Rocco myself, it gives a bad protrail of the band.

I dont mean to be nasty to the director, that is not my intention, its just my opinion. There is a lot of people here, who do not even know the band, and the people in it, but yet are getting the impression that Rocco is a "prick" and many other things. I can assure you that, Rocco DeLuca, is a very kind loving person, who takes his music very seriously. This is not just another musician in it for the money.

gibberish1960, February 20, 2007 at 2:12:25 PM CET

The band is great. One only needs to listen to their music and see the original set of videos they created to know this much. It's the video that sucks. I wish they hadn't tried to sell their song with near-porn because that really isn't what the song is about and I'm quite sure Rocco would be the first one to tell everyone as much. It's too bad he didn't stick by his guns and not let people talk him into using the sleezy gimicks so typical of music television.

Mike Rodgers, March 19, 2015 at 7:42:17 PM CET

I'll tell you how powerful this song and video are: almost 8 years later and I spent an hour looking for it on the internet. Completely mesmerizing video, creatively shot and an incredibly memorable song. Keeping it so under wraps it almost achieves a cult status in my mind.


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