monomatik - the soil
a new stopMotion video we did for the german minimal band monomatik. based on the tecniques by lotte reininger :) enjoy! and happy chrismas!
really great overall feel using simple tones. not sure about the glowing 'plants', they seem at odds with the rest of the animation. But quite lovely nonetheless.
very pretty, but really quite trite. (more of a vibe to be had out of that same story here.
@progosk: thanks for that link! you're right quite the same story. in fact i didn't know this video before. the simple story came to my mind by the title and the words of the song by monomatic. @biccamera: its true that the plants look odd and digital, allthough they are made analogue with long-term exposures... but i liked that they looked kind of unreal to the rest of the setting, because maby they are... thanks you two!