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Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye - Dir. Suzie Vlcek

Nice work.

quicktime link:

winchandpulley, December 20, 2006 at 9:27:35 AM CET

I really love this band, and I think this director is swell, but here's the big question: when is someone going to see the Pickups as more thana band that plays instruments?

I guess this taps into the broader discussion of breaking away from the well tread path of performance videos, but specificalyl these guys are really getting the short end of the stick. All of their videos so far are about them playing somewhere, or in Warhol-ian pop colors, but playing nonetheless.

I like the cameo(s) but wasn't sure what they mean except look at our cool friends. Plus the age of the kids seem schewed a bit low. Most folks at the Echo are about the age of the people in the band.

Long story short, well done, but I still want to see this band soar to the heights that they deserve.

puttyfingers, December 20, 2006 at 11:19:09 AM CET

The age thing through me a bit - made the band seem like they were slumming it at a school disco, plus the ambiguity of the girls gender... suppose that may have been the point. Sweet song though.

robodrug, December 20, 2006 at 2:03:41 PM CET

Old enuff to enter a licenced bar apparently? Well it appears to be a bar? I dain't notice a great deal ov alcohol being necked though, seems the clientèle are rather modest drinkers positively pleasant kids I'd say

Unlike the wee skuzies from roun' my end or as the headlines ov the 'Birmingham Mail' screamed las' week 'BOOZE KIDS PLAGUE CITY OFF-LICENCES' 'Crimewave as children demand alcohol'

Anyway 'nuff ov the mean streets ov B'ham The video is a nice piece ov cool as is the music Like 'putty' The androgyny ov the girl made me do a double take a couple ov times

winchandpulley, December 20, 2006 at 8:54:49 PM CET

Yeah, I did a couple double takes myself.

spit, December 20, 2006 at 8:59:11 PM CET

This song is almost 'bad-video' proof. It's like YYY's 'Maps' from a few years back. I think this could have felt a lot more like a Shane Drake video had it been set to a nu-emo song. I submit that we add a 'hottest underage androgynous character in a video' award in 2007.

fungible, December 21, 2006 at 6:49:34 AM CET

I just felt bad they couldn't get a better gig than some cool kid's bat mitzvah. Come on, somebody give these guys a break!

It's a very 90s-style video. Which is cool, because their music is very 90s as well. I like.

ian svenonius, December 27, 2006 at 6:26:32 AM CET

Somebody commented that its like YYY's "Maps" but I don't see that. It reminds me a lot of Sonic Youth's "Dirty Boots" which is a great video.

fernando37, December 28, 2006 at 1:22:55 AM CET

i heart suzie's a secret shhh...


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