Oh My Girl ft. Skull "Listen to my Word (A-ing)"
The vid is for children, mainly, but it's got quality prod. design, etc.
Their vid "Liar Liar" is cool but 4 kids
Most interesting! Skull originally signed with YG as part of Stony Skunk, a Hip Hop Reggae duo. After his army draft in 2007 he left YG, changed agencies a number of times Currently with QUAN Entertainment. Cut a tune with Stephen Marley and fellow Korean reggae artist Haha in March of this year
This is for children? I don't think so.
To this 37-yo it seems to "skew" young.
Quality comes from it being a Digipedi video production! Remember Epik High's Born Hater As for the 'cutesy' concept being for kids, Ant's probably right its a K-pop formula that's been around since the first wave back in 2001... its known as "Aegyo" cute/baby voice, facial expressions and gestures etc. In Korean the word literally means, behaving in a coquette-ish manner! The concept is sometimes dumb-founding to westerners I guess. But then it didn't take long for Western language to adopt the Japanese word "kawaii" which is of a similarly descriptive nature!
Ok, I thought I was aging out, good I don't want to