robodrug, July 5, 2023 at 7:30:17 PM CEST
YENA (최예나) - Hate Rodrigo (Feat. 우기 ((여자)아이들)) MV, Dir: ZIYONG @FANTAZYLAB
robodrug, July 5, 2023 at 7:43:39 PM CEST
This is the reuploaded version as the original video had to be pulled due to copyright issues. It featured images taken from a Olivia Rodrigo poster which usage permission had not be sought. 우기 is YUQI from (G)I-DLE. YENA doesn't actually hate Olivia its an ironic tribute! Original and reupload comparison, if anyone is interested: It hasn't done the video any harm, in fact its generated vastly more content and interest than probably would have occurred if the copyright issue had been a 'no problem'