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Information Videos

Für eine Diplomarbeit werden folgende Infos gesucht: "Ich bin auf der Suche nach Musikvideos, die Informationen in Kombination mit Musik vermitteln. Lernen vom Musikvideo, Aufklärung, Geschichte, Biologie, Zeitgeschehen und so weiter, im Videoclip verpackt. Infografische Elemente oder die Erzählung komplexer Zusammenhänge, alles was mehr ist als reine Stimmungmache, Tanzen in der Sonne, dicke Autos, dicke Titten, dickes Geld,..."

Fallen Euch da welche ein? Es soll in die Richtung gehen wie zum Beispiel: Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now Röyksopp - Remind Me System of a Down - Boom Rage against the Machine - Freedom Plaid - Itsu

DonDahlmann, April 28, 2003 at 1:10:47 PM CEST

Billy Joel - We didnt start the fire

karramarro, April 28, 2003 at 3:32:19 PM CEST

totalmente de acuerdo. sea lo que sea lo que significa eso?¿

Mama, April 28, 2003 at 4:33:10 PM CEST

mi espanol es mui mal... con ayuda de "Babelfish":

te acuerdas de los videos de la música, que obtienen la información conjuntamente con música. Aprenda por el vídeo de la música, claro-para arriba, historia, biología, zeitgeschehen etcétera, en el atar-clip video embalado. Elementos de Info.-graphic o la narración de conexiones complejas, toda que más es que puro tendencia-hace, bailando en el sol, coches gruesos, pecho grueso, dinero grueso...

nanoblogg, April 29, 2003 at 5:02:48 AM CEST

da gibbet 2 dvds...

"for promotional use only" "visual niches"

karramarro, April 29, 2003 at 10:16:01 AM CEST



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Recent comments:
'Founded by Leen Hamo... kevathens; 00:16
Video By: Brad Murnane kevathens; 00:19
Sometimes pop music surprises... robodrug; 09:13
Frightening.. kevathens; 00:57
Seem better but I... kevathens; 15:53
d Connor Brashier &... kevathens; 00:12
Barely remember that -... kevathens; 21:37
Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
robodrug: Two weeks?! No... antdude; 03:52
Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
Overall they think I’m... kevathens; 11:15
Was’n one psych hos... kevathens; 11:13
Thanks for the updates.... antdude; 05:38
I’ve been out kevathens; 02:06
I think this is... anniewaters91; 23:35 antdude; 01:29
NSFW kevathens; 10:23 * kevathens; 11:58
As can be seen... robodrug; 13:02
The8 debuted as a... robodrug; 13:00
Can't say I care... robodrug; 12:57 (2005) - kevathens; 00:07
Better than remembered kevathens; 12:19
Meh kevathens; 11:43
This has a bit... robodrug; 09:20
Perfect Black Label! robodrug; 09:15
But why re(peat/post) 4X?... antdude; 01:14
Q&A Ben Reed (3/2021) kevathens; 12:57
cool robodrug; 17:17
Shockingly saw this on... kevathens; 15:26
There’s 10K hits this... kevathens; 11:25
Jennie, Rosé coming soon kevathens; 01:41
Now, it works. Thanks.... antdude; 00:30
Opens for me? robodrug; 06:38
Fixed kevathens; 03:00
No, it's not. I... antdude; 02:53
OKGo kevathens; 23:48
Money's on being Choi... robodrug; 21:06
MTV is playing Fifty... kevathens; 13:26
Well if that don't... robodrug; 13:45
Sorry to hear, wish... robodrug; 12:21
Hi I’m having issues. I... kevathens; 19:49
Ah Rats... blocked in... robodrug; 02:23
Brill! :D robodrug; 00:36
They’re playing this on... kevathens; 00:26
nice1 robodrug; 03:21
This is a concept!... robodrug; 01:27
Glad to hear mate,... robodrug; 01:05
Very P Nation 31... robodrug; 01:03

January 2025