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Roman Coppola- Funkysquare dance- Phoenix

For those who don't it. It's still funny to watch. I miss you roman.

binkystick, October 29, 2004 at 6:43:03 PM CEST

I've never seen that one before. Thanks for posting it!

langdonallger, October 29, 2004 at 8:30:48 PM CEST

Yup, saw it a while back when looking for his videos. Does he not make videos anymore? I think his most recent one was the strokes' "12;51".

dyei2, October 31, 2004 at 3:16:02 AM CET

i would rather have seen more pointless shit rather than "hey, here's me! here's my hot girl! i have custom made shirts! my dad rocks!"


it was a decent concept, though.

ai, October 31, 2004 at 12:21:01 PM CET

It's just personnal feelings and their relation with the music. That's what music and art are about. Maybe because the song is long the director took some disgressions. This kind of human behavior is charming. Because it's not perfect. It's human.

dyei2, November 1, 2004 at 5:31:47 PM CET

i see the charm and respect it. i do. its a great concept, but knowing who he is rather a large turnoff to bring the famous family members into light. a good friend of mine is the son of a rockstar, and he also is in a band. He's not cocky about who he is, and never has riden coattails... ..and i respect him for that.

i would rather have seen him remain nameless, and do this.. make it even more personal, like he's making for himself. like a journal entry to himself, thats what i would have loved to see, but instead we have this self-promotional piece.

i see the charm, i was expecting more wit.

1manguy, December 10, 2004 at 5:02:23 AM CET

Roman directed Morrissey's 'Irish Blood, English Heart' video.


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