Amy Grant
Check out Amy's video for "House of Love"
Hey, Victor! Fuck you!
so Amy Grant joined chk chk chk???
I think Victor is from Jesusland
..... but then again, isn't Amy Grant Canadian???
the only amy grant i remember was a black woman singing some disco tune in the 80's. i'd rather have a disko chick here than some useless twat from the growning bible belt.
and it's called pennerland(bumcountry) over here, as jesus as an historical person and even as gods son might not want to have anything to do with them hypocrites.
what the hell is up with all the shitty videos recently. come on people quality over quantity!!
amazing enrique video!! at first i was like what!?!?!!?! buts so awesome, even little jokes for us video nerds, like the cameraman in the mirror. brilliant!