The Work of Jonathan Glazer

Just Saw Birth today. Came home wanting to recheck on some of his work. Found the academy site. Strong compilation - including a promo I've never heard of that he did for a act called LUNATIC.
Overall, his commercial/promo work is a lot more cinematic than I ever thought it was.
Thanks a lot, never seen that lunatic video or the ricahrd ashcroft one. His Massive Attack video is missing though, "karmacoma". It's here though: How was Birth? Looks very interesting, I've been meaning to see sexy beast for a while.
I love that Karmacoma video. I'm looking forward to his DVD, even if he doesn't have enough under his belt. I saw Birth too and was very disappointed. I loved Sexy Beast, and I appreciate his attempt to do a complete 180, but I thought it was pretty lame.