Bloc Party - "Helicopter" & "Little Thoughts"
Here is that other vid from Bloc Party. It has those VHS-like effects I mentioned a while back. I dig it.
And here is the one from Ben Dawkins. Also hot sauce.
I really like at the end of Gondry's "Everlong" when the band is playing and there's video feedback overlayed on the image -
kind of reminds me of the TV on the Radio video "Staring at the Sun"
Remember Radiohead's "Idioteque"? that was cool too.
Yeah that video feedback thing is pretty cool, I had idea for almost a whole video based on that. Um, do you have a link to the "idioteque" video? I don't think that I've ever seen it.
So VHS is vintage now. I wonder when will crappy pixel dv cams make it. Probably in five years or so. Hold on to your webcams.