Dance Dance Revolution
I'm doing research for a short film and was wondering if anyone knows of any music videos which are centered around a DDR arcade machine? (or any other Bemani for that matter).
not centered around but i remember an old everything but the girl video that feature this device at the beginning of the clip for 10 or 20 second
Chicken Payback by The Bees. It's current, too.
mud - any links? I can't seem to find it. Thanks
this is a blog-review I found of it:
Just have to comment on a music video I just saw on Rage. The Bees - Chicken Payback is awesome! Its a funky catchy tune easy to sing/dance to and includes a very hip guy dancing on a DDR style arcade machine :) Rahk an' Rohwl! .... so - maybe in the same vein as Moby's "Bodyrock" or Jonze's "Praise You"??
heres an ed2k link
The Bees - Chicken Payback.mpg (174mb)
anyone else having trouble using krof's link?
I got myself an eDonkey client and was able to copy the link onto the downloads - but as it stands, nothing's downloading.... am assuming it's more or less a dead link.
I don't have a lot of eDonkey experience - is it more similar to Kazaa/Gnutella or bittorrent?
it has 9 sources at the moment.... you are connected ..right?
connect button in my version is the top left button. and on down right corner you can read your status...... (my client version is v0.42e)
more instruction are on the site i linked earlier (Help&Support)
e-mule is very slow network. sometimes it takes ages to connect and get the stuff. so patience is needed. but it should be there.
heres "beginners guide"
yeah - I'm working on a Mac - so doing it with edonkey2000 (OSx) - but based on the ed2k:// protocol I assume I should be able to use edonkey (instead of eMule) -
aa ok. but yeah it should work.
solved! clip is up at
actually, I remember there being a Everything But the Girl video that had a DDR machine in the beginning.
Additionally, I did a documentary project on DDR -- about 27 minutes long. If you want it, maybe I can get it to you...
aiheichu [at] hotmail
Not around the machine. But there is a music video by Stereo Total called Wir Tanzen im 4 eck that has the home version of ddr in it. (He misses all the beats though ;-)
You can find the video here: