K-os, Princess Superstar & Kano - new videos
I'm sorry, but I have no idea how to make the links work, so you'll have to cut and paste. If anyone can explain, I'll be grateful. enjoy.
exodus.interoutemediaservices.com k-os the man I used to be wm
mfile.akamai.com Kano feat. Mike Skinner of the Streets Nite Nite wm
mms://media2.7digital.com/motion/rtsp/Princess_Superstar_Perfect_High.wmv Princess Superstar Perfect wm
K-OS "B-Boy Stance" & more
Since i really like the album, why not post the videos. They're not the hot new stuff we've all been waiting for, but they are fun to watch. I really dig the minimalism of b-boy stance and i always love to see good dancing. And this is very good. Also in "Man i used to be". Except that it is edited to fast, so you can only guess how good the moves are.
www.k-osmusic.com www.k-osmusic.com www.k-osmusic.com