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Mark Romanek picks 7 great videos in The New York Times today

Nine Inch Nails, 'Only' director david fincher Apex Twin, 'Rubber Johnny' director Chris Cunningham Beck, 'E-Pro" directed by shynola Iron and Wine, 'Naked as We Came' directed by Sam Beam The Chalets, 'Feel the Machine' directed by D.A.D.D.Y. The Sun, 'Romantic Death' Directed by the Sun and Alex Nam Bright Eyes, 'Easy/Lucky/Free' directed by Lily Thorne and Lauri Faggioni

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Attn NYC people, suck up to Corbijn/Glazer/Romanek/Sednaoui/Gondry in Person.

Tuesday Sept 13th, 7pm, at the Walter Reade Theater. There is a screening of various bits of the new Director's Label DVDs.
Afterwards there is a Q&A with all 4 directors and Gondry is the MC. Tickets are $15, and will be gone in a few days according the the box office lady.

speed of sound / coldplay

I know it was already posted, but I found a 400*300 version that's awesome.

I really like the video and the song as well, but I'm disappointed being a Romanek video. I really expected him to kick ass with this one but it's a let down. It's just not his best suit to move the camera around wildly and shoot out of focus, if I wanted that I would have gone with Samual Bayer (if I was the one in control). No one can really blame Romanek for trying a new approach, but judging by the result, he should stick to what he knows best: beatiful photography.

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Coldplay - Speed of Sound

Directed by Mark Romanek the complete video is now up click on the button at the top "watch speed of sound", give fake email address, proceed to Korean knock off of PSP, click on box 19 down 23 across, be annoyed, watch video at crap resolution.
i miss quicktime Enjoy

update: try this flash is not your friend

update update: skip all that and do this thanks to Eyeraw for the quicktime

coldplay - speed of sound

if you're up for a mission, you can register on to use their media player, and watch a teaser excerpt from Romanek's new Coldplay video. It says full version will be up on Monday at 7pm GMT.

ps. gotta love the media player's hilariously bad faux-psp interface.

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mark romanek

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Music videos by Mark Romanek

directly from his homepage's music video section. quicktime - low: 160x120 - hi: 320 x 240

fiona apple - criminal audioslave - cochise beck - devil's haircut david bowie - jump, they say johnny cash - hurt janet jackson - got 'til it's gone michael + janet jackson - scream mick jagger - god gave me everything i want lenny kravitz - are you gonna go my way lenny kravitz - if you can't say no madonna - rain madonna - bedtime story nine inch nails - closer nine inch nails - the perfect drug no doubt - hella good

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