Honeyball - Lusta vasárnap [Lazy Sunday]
Honeyball - Lusta vasárnap.avi (42 MB)
Draft - Dombok felett

(MPEG 36 MB) mirror sites: 01 02 03 04 05
Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye
Download (33 MB, avi, eDonkey link)
A buncha old-school rap videos
...some interesting stuff. Watch Will Smith hold it down in a Fresh Prince Disneyland video.
Hiperkarma - Amondó

Vision - Bárcsak újra itt lennél
Radio hit!
Vision - Bárcsak újra itt lennél (mpeg 36 MB) / website
KASH - So unreachable, and others
Here are some videos I did at school, and the KASH movie I edited. I know not everybody likes those "After Effects videos", but hell, you don't have to click this LOL.
I'd like to know what you think of them, so let me know
MáSFéL - Varjú

MáSFéL - Varjú.mpeg 11,4 MB
Honeyball - Boccaccio

Honeyball - Boccaccio (.AVI, 28 MB) / (wmv stream)
The most popular Hungarian SKA-punk band
duo505 clip by casa gontz
A video clip for the austrian band duo505 (b. fleischman and weixelbaum) made with a super8 camera. gontz.sptv.org
Please feel free to post the comments on this clip.
Eleven Hold

Jamie Winchester & Hrutka Róbert
Home By The River (11 MB)
Take Me Home (11 MB)
Hide and Seek (20 MB)
Nice Try (18 MB)
One of Us (26 MB)
"unplugged" Live DVD in the store
It’s Your Life and Last one out…(Please close the door) album
dotmov 2004

short description: DOTMOV Festival 2004 is a digital film festival coorganised by Hokkaido Foundation For Cultural Activities with an aim to discover talented creators and provide them with an opportunity to show their work.
Neo - Ranbo 13

funny musicvideo, with Lenin, Rambo, Superman, Batman, Tarzan, Darth Vader, etc.

more video website: www.uniquemusic.hu
digital video with sound
i found this really nice work at www.free2jam.com
the resolution is not so good but the work is neat. good sound and video sync i think. is there a program to sync the visuals to sound ?
Animations set to club music. Some are pretty decent.
The Dresden Dolls

They are currently touring like mad and gearing up for the full-scale release of their debut self-titled album.
Their videos are directed by director Michael Pope and can be found HERE.
Marco Luca portfolio
Check out the videos Tainted Blades and Sleeping Awake. Also check out the other videos and animations.

the reckankomplex film archive

There are some of his vids available HERE.