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Björk - Where Is The Line?

tagged bjork

Directed by Gabríela.

Stumbled across this QuickTime video on BlogsNow. Don't know where the link originated since the official Björk site doesn't have one.

fellfromthesky, May 27, 2005 at 12:31:27 PM CEST

"when animals attack"

"when sculptors direct"

sdelahoyde, May 27, 2005 at 5:55:58 PM CEST

Questions: 1) how does this get pitched? 2) how does this get accepted? 3) who agrees to be in this? 4) what's wrong with everyone involved?

I'm all for artsy things, but for a commercial project, this doesn't make me want to buy her album at all. If anything, it convinces me to stay far away from it. She's always been weird, but this is really, really weird.

lonelyspacepanda, May 27, 2005 at 6:01:40 PM CEST

It makes me want to buy the album or just throw up.

Just a heads up: This is the worst song of the album, and ruins the cd as a whole. It's not that bad of a song, but it just has a wierd effect like that. All in all it seemed like a poor man's (Forgot his name. You know her husband that makes all this askew art house films Cremeons?).

progosk, May 27, 2005 at 6:26:42 PM CEST

lonely, you mean matthew barney of cremaster fame

captainmarc22, May 27, 2005 at 6:36:40 PM CEST

wow, this is some bad euro trash. I like the song okay, but this would be absoloutely terrible with some generic song attached. Does anyone remember that "hedgehog" cirque de soleil video posted here and then removed?

I admire how Bjork will often give artists their first opportunity to work with film by making a video for her - but they always turn out terrible or mediocre work (except for Nick Knight/Pagan Poetry).

anyone else think this looks like it was shot on DV?

stripedcollar, May 28, 2005 at 4:06:20 AM CEST

I feal queasy.

shut up, May 28, 2005 at 11:08:08 PM CEST

cirque de so gay.

purpology, May 30, 2005 at 7:18:18 AM CEST

Hey, you guys may be interested in this video review blog I'm involved with, it's called Purpology @

I graded this video a D- because it's not good.

reluctantfish, May 31, 2005 at 8:09:09 AM CEST

the treatment for the video read like this:

in "where is the line with you?" bjork is asking herself a rhetorical question, and this video will take that question and answer it. in the most repulsive way possible.

lusk81, May 31, 2005 at 10:46:47 PM CEST

PURPOLOGY - BINKY - SHUT UP - and others:

Maniacs you are. One of the best videos this year - right next to the danish carpark and the japanese still life of the million girls (for whatever reason I'm at a loss for the name(s) of artist/track/director/etc).

The piece is crude, redundant, even amateur (and at times boring) in its execution - but with such teeth that said faults can be overlooked.

PURPOLOGY you get the concept but get lost in the details. YES, IT IS about a host who gives birth to a demon only to be confronted by a series of hay wraiths when said demon decides to reenter the womb. The concept is evocative and suggestive and just downright interesting in and of itself.

Don't get clouded by the symbolism or referential nature of the piece. You know this has nothing to do with barney and yet you cast stones regardless. You "graded" the piece poorly because your stuck in hipster land using hiphop nicks for the "tailor made eccentrics". Cheap my friend. Your main fault is the lack of her visage and what you believe is a "corruptive influence". Cheap again.

Bjork is still THE ONLY artist willing to push the music video medium in consistently interesting places yet you guys find safety and purpose in critiques like:

"Questions: 1) how does this get pitched? 2) how does this get accepted? 3) who agrees to be in this? 4) what's wrong with everyone involved?"

I feel like I just don't understand... The members of this site are constantly pandering creativity ("weird" or not) and siding on uninspired and forgettable 2d/3d pieces. Last week a chain erupted about two of the most forgettable promos in recent memory as a 'who copied who' dialogue (spearheaded by binky - one of the editors on one of the promos).

I don't know. Your focus seems all wrong.

lonelyspacepanda, May 31, 2005 at 10:54:53 PM CEST

I think it's as simple as this: People say how they feel about the music video they are watching. I think in general, people feel this video sucks. Simple as that. As to why it sucks, the editing made me nauseous and it didn't do anything to compliment the song or entertain on it's own merits. It feels ametuer and disgusting, kinda like

Now give an indepth review of Crazy Frog, Lusk81. Would love to hear that.

captainmarc22, May 31, 2005 at 11:35:58 PM CEST

lusk81 jumps the shark.

kakahed, June 1, 2005 at 12:37:52 AM CEST

I make music videos. I have no affiliation to this video (nor do I particularly like it). But it is a good example to go by just to see how puerile, subjective and amateurish the regular writers are on this site. (eg: Binkystick etc).

It is easy to criticize so harshly and flagrantly when you have nothing to show for yourselves. Have some balls. Try make a video you cowards.

Yours truly,


lusk81, June 1, 2005 at 4:47:54 AM CEST

CAPTAIN: What did I reveal here that I have not in other posts?


Just because it's different and daring doesn't always mean it's any good."

This is true.

You said yourself that it's "crude, redundant and amateur". So why would >you also defend it? Because it's got "teeth"?"

It's again, a very creative and entirely interesting video made for a very compelling musical artist. It's so very obvious that the piece was made by a team of amateurs and yet there's still a core here that's so fuckin promising. Gabriela may not be the best new director -- but I am nevertheless more excited to see what she does next, than I am any commercial director working in the field today. Furthermore, this promo actually has ideas at stake. Save the poor editoral approach, we're working with strong concepts in this one - not some bullshit aesthetic(s).

I really think there's something tremendous here you guys are overlooking.

Anyway, where have you been, lusk?

Working like crazy on a series of projects that start out very promising and end up less than mediocre. Feeling a little burnt and slowly trying to regroup and redirect my energy back into my own stuff.

What have you been up to bink?

memories, June 1, 2005 at 9:00:58 AM CEST

the best post ever on antville:

jdub, June 1, 2005 at 10:02:45 AM CEST

I agree with Lusk at every turn.

This video has something no other videos have in a while. it's too abstract to resonate with the public but it's certainly got teeth. There are some golden moments amidst it's awkardness.

kakahed, June 1, 2005 at 12:09:16 PM CEST

I see Robert Lopuski (lusk81) has just joined UVPhactory as a VFX editor. His effects work is almost as average as his contributions to this site. I will be sure to tell my friends at Anonymous Films, MJZ and Smuggler to stay well away from UVP. :)

captainmarc22, June 1, 2005 at 6:54:12 PM CEST

lusk: I've always enjoyed your lengthy backups to unpopular critiques but you got nothing here. For the first time it seems like you have some ulterior motive for liking a video.

I have seen enough Gabriela and find it hard to believe you would rather see her next "installation" than the latest work by Gondry, Jonze, Glazer, Cunningham, etc.

If this was some no-name Euro musician and was posted by someone saying "This is my first video, please give me comments" there's no way you would have praised it as you did.

kakahead: we all bow down to your immense power. If only we had your clout!!


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