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The Presets - Girl and the Sea - Dir:Lee Lennox

An eerie promo, beautifully animated; for 'The Presets', which follows a young mermaids fairytale journey.

Dir: Lee Lennox Prod: Phil Tidy

direct link (swf)

(otherwise: goto: click on the gun icon, then 'Lee Lennox' then 'The Presets')

There's also his 'Tenderfoot' promo, which beats the hell outta me how it was created?.... If someone can fill me in.

progosk, November 17, 2005 at 10:03:19 AM CET

erm... blatant style-rip (unless you want to call it a homage) of yuri norstein (his hedgehog in the mist and tale of tales in particular). rather beautifully done, i guess...

the tenderfoot's a clever trick, direction's pretty blah.

salad fingers, November 17, 2005 at 5:27:19 PM CET

the compression is really bad, i had a hard time seeing what the hell was going on.

larrymm, November 17, 2005 at 10:15:53 PM CET

hey progosk good spotting. norstein is russian right?

jva, November 17, 2005 at 11:27:04 PM CET

rip or homage?- this looks beautifully done, but w/r/t to this question i'd want to judge from the textures (maybe an odd personal pref but i think it's a good avenue to determine the sincerity/ingenuity/LOVE put into an animation) and alas and alack: the quality of the encode makes it tough to say. and

and indeed: the color balance and low-contrast palette makes the weak-ass encoding especially harmful. real tender looks in the fox's (dog's?) eyes, though.

najork, November 19, 2005 at 8:48:29 AM CET

I really want to see a better copy of this one.
I also need to see those Norstein shorts now.

The Presets seem to have a good commissioner.

fairypigcock, November 21, 2005 at 7:02:47 PM CET

I have seen the Girl and Sea at a 'rare' festival in the UK. I must say on the big screen it looked absolutely amazing! Almost CG, but obviously 2D cut-outs.

Just a shame there's not a better copy of it floating around.

I'm on the 'homage' side of the fence, as i know the Norstein movies only too well and you can see the amount of time and effort thats gone into this promo... wouldnt it have been a waste of precious time if it were a rip off? I'm sure there are quicker ways.

progosk, November 22, 2005 at 5:53:45 PM CET

najork, did you manage to see the shorts?

progosk, January 7, 2006 at 2:40:42 AM CET

a norstein thesis:

jimlefevre, August 22, 2006 at 2:17:37 PM CEST

Tenderfoot rocks, as does Girl and the Sea (yes it is a bit Nornstein but it's very well beautifully done). Don't think the direction is blah at all. It's a nice quiet promo for a nice quiet song.

I think the phrase 'rip-off' is used far too much.

ha ha ha


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