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The Directors Bureau/RES Contest

The Directors Bureau is seeking to uncover new talent in the field.

In order to find the most qualified candidates we are holding a contest. Go to to be put through a rigorous barrage of background checks, personality profiling, evalutation of moral flexibility, and preliminary talent evaluations.

gwan, February 16, 2006 at 9:37:55 PM CET

The top film will receive 1million dollars... wait.. oh no sorry...twooo thousond dollars...

progosk, February 16, 2006 at 9:54:54 PM CET

otherwise you could all try your hand at making a video for Pretty Girls Make Graves' Nocturnal House. onne thousond dollors to be had. (oh: only if you're in the u.s, that is...)

bigload, February 16, 2006 at 9:55:41 PM CET

it's not like any of the directors they rep have any money

lusk81, February 16, 2006 at 10:11:08 PM CET

These contests always end up being a sham. This one is embarrasing.

I think TDB is trying to boost their cred with this PR nonsense. Such junk.

By the way, do you guys remember that MTV/Korn make my video contest? They got the first timer so fuckin drunk he couldn't function during the edit session. Unbelievable.

salad fingers, February 16, 2006 at 10:12:03 PM CET

you know what i love? all hilarious "governmentesque" stylings coming out of the director's bureau. it's really a treat. it's a treat to read all about, because of how funny it is. it really makes me laugh in a large way that creates a lot of hilarious laughter. i wish them well.

gwan, February 16, 2006 at 10:21:42 PM CET

Nothing recent coming from DB huh? Shynolas doing comercials. Didnt Mills do something? beside thumbs.....

langdonallger, February 17, 2006 at 7:27:04 PM CET

It doesn't look like mills' stuff is archived at the db site anymore.

Also, lusk, what about these contests is a sham?

I remember that mtv/korn video contest. The premise of the guy's video who won was pretty crappy to begin with, so I don't see how him being sober would have helped any.

lusk81, February 17, 2006 at 8:13:54 PM CET

LANG: I think they're a little shammy because the companies that throw such contests do so for one of two reasons:

  1. Everybody make a commercial for us and maybe we'll give one of you enough money to recoup the cost of your minidv tape stock (think converse). I actually find this approach quite brilliant from a marketing standpoint btw.

  2. Everybody look at us we're so cool and so supportive of unfound talent. We're on the 'cutting edge' of new media production. Again, free press for the company, think Chrysler films, MTV/KORN, IDN, Project Greenlight, and the like...

Even the warp/CR contest fell apart. I think as a label they're really exciting and it's thrilling to see them nuture talent under their banner. But why did round 2 whirl around in every press source only to disappear completely? Why did they never officially release any of the work? Instead they're leaked onto various sites like these...? I feel like they come in with the big hurrah but hide from attaching their name to the final product. It's like kicking down the door in the party only to deny that you even know the people who invited you after hanging out for a minute.

It's one thing to extend interest in no name talent and a completely different thing when a company (i.e. slow moving production house like TDB) needs a boost in interest and decides to throw a ham fisted contest.

Look at the award. 2k (which doesn't even cover rental costs), and the possibility of being featured on their website.

Sounds kinda shammy to me, no?

And Lang if you're itching to do something, do it and send it to me. When I get a website up and running I'll feature your piece on mine. You'll be a winner.

I think a more interesting approach is what death cab did with their most recent album. People are chosen. Pieces are made.

Good or bad, they're out there.

hiconcept, February 17, 2006 at 9:00:08 PM CET

I think we should all make 60 seconds films for this website about whether or not its cool to make 60 second films for possible inclusion on a website.

Lets keep this clean though; no biting or fisting. In fact, nothing over second base. Maybe third. (I'm talking to you, dude who made the Levy video.)

Winner gets a purple nurple and a the very best in caustic peer criticism.

captainmarc22, February 17, 2006 at 9:06:46 PM CET

maybe people are overthinking this. :60 is short - I think the winner will be a Waverly clip-of-the-week-style video - not too much time/money put into the production design - but a funny idea pulled off very nicely.


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