Lily Allen "Smile" Dir: Sophie Muller

she's a British Annie... the new Arctic Monkeys... a white M.I.A...
Youtube | <a href=" "target="_blank">Real Media | <a href=" "target="_blank">Windows Media
...and while we're at it her new mixtape is dope.
Great "product".
Great video, Got really into the story aspect of it. Made me laugh as well. Pretty unusual for a music vid.
nice one
at the beginning of the video I wondered if she has one female fan and at the end I wondered if she has one male fan. anyway: this is cool stuff. I (male) liked the song and the video - really pretty unusual for a vid, yeah.
Anyone got a quicktime of this?
Searching for the right words only to find that once again Popjustice has a monopoly on incisive economy:
"As you can see it features VIOLENCE and DESTRUCTION and A MAN WITH THE SHITS and is therefore brilliant."
Looks more like a British Britney Spears, but the video is good as expected.
Cool vid. Even better album which looks to be hot for the Summer.
Congratulations to the marketing team. They nailed it all 'round.
or … more like the female 'streets', no? the brits are so damn good at making pop, these days. cool one, and thx for the link to the mixtape!
nice change for sophie, finally something to like in a vid of hers.. fun track/product.
QuickTime anywhere?
Bit late on this Coz I got it from elsewhere Wot u guys have said is all true This girl looks to have the lyrical writing qualities ov a Ray Davis if she keeps it up Delightful also is the way she dun a Joe Cocker on the Joe Gibbs & ET toon 'Still in love with you girl / Up town top ranking' Yeh I know the Cocker comparison don't take account of the fact, she only utilises the riddem Howeva that ET / Gibbs riddem has had as many outings as Coxsone Dodd's 'Real Rock' Its the dogs bollocks! Dun a nice job there Lily! The 'LDN' clip ov hers posted back in Feb is still active
The rez is crap for 300k though
no ones come up with a mov file for either clip yet?
Here you go, quicktime mov:
This video is like a 2006 version of Since U Been Gone.
There's a mp4 version at Videoteque
Sophie, fucking A this video is dope dope dope!