Kasabian "Shoot the Runner" dir. Alex and Martin

rotosplatter for the ipod generation
MOV - original flash player here
rotosplatter for the ipod generation. juicy& pretty perfect, actually.
I'm a little off my text game this morn so I'll quote you. I agree this is an excellent vid. Hey vidiot, where's the partizan/giraffe.tv QT?
oh yeah VERY original.
Nice video. Missed the paint splatter train by about a year though.
fucking great video
end of
I agree with hass.
Though I would add that the idea with most spattery/drippy graphics is that it is an easily attainable still element that looks dynamic when cut in. Shooting lots of crisp high-speed footage of mid air fluid is a different game altogether
Airside will be crying into their hand knitted handbags. s'good in an ipoddy / queens of the stone agey / ripoffy / way-ey. Once youve seen one splash...
Well I for one fucking loved it.
Shut it puttyface!
i had to leave the room after 2 minutes, so didn't catch the end... can somebody tell me what happened at the end?
there was an end?
great vid, great song, great band.
if you didn't catch the end, you're either an idiot, or an idiot.
big version www.partizan.com
shoot the runner permanent mov - kinda crappy quality, but it's a full version, so hey..