Olivia Ruiz "La femme chocolat" dir. Valerie Pirson

A tasty love story, for Partizan - can someone translate this?
Director back story: "Valerie Pirson joined Partizan just weeks after completing her degree course in Visual and Graphic Arts at Ensad in Paris. It was Michel Gondry who introduced her to us, after she had just finished producing various animation sequences for his next feature film ‘The Science of Sleep’. He hired Valerie on the basis of her stunning graduation piece ‘Pistache’, a very visually arresting work."
i'd bet he found her on antville...
Taille-moi les hanches à la hache J'ai trop mangé de chocolat Croque moi la peau, s'il-te-plaît Croque moi les os, s'il le faut
C'est le temps des grandes métamorphoses
Au bout de mes tout petits seins S'insinuent, pointues et dodues Deux noisettes, crac! Tu les manges
C'est le temps des grandes métamorphoses
Au bout de mes lèvres entrouvertes pousse un framboisier rouge argenté Pourrais-tu m'embrasser pour me le couper...
Pétris-moi les hanches de baisers Je deviens la femme chocolat Laisse fondre mes hanches Nutella Le sang qui coule en moi c'est du chocolat chaud...
Un jour je vais m'envoler A travers le ciel à force de gonfler... Et je baillerai des éclairs Une comète plantée entre les dents Mais sur terre, en attendant Je me transformerai en la femme chocolat...
Taille-moi les hanches à la hache J'ai trop mangé de chocolat...
it's almost as risqué as siliguri.
I have no idea what that flip phone/player thing is, but man - it's been in like 4 promos the past week. So clumsy and out of place...
Lusk, its the next annoying thing kids will carry in the subway to piss you off with the volume set to the max. thank you samsung for our tranquility. And btw product placement sucks and you too.
i wathched the whole thing without stopping, and that happens very rarely. I really liked it
It's an excellent video, I agree.
Looks like Partizan missed both the song and artist names: should be Olivia Ruiz, "La femme chocolat"
Stunning! Olivia and the Video.