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antville awards 2006

The awards are coming soon! Time to flesh out the final, incredibly boring details, then await their arrival. (previously + calls for categories, logos)
kevathens, November 18, 2006 at 3:38:47 PM CET

If you have any more suggestions on how to better the awards, please post here!

[I originally proposed an e-mail committee of volunteers to discuss the final details, but that seems counter-intuitive. Sorry, 30f :) ]

30f, November 18, 2006 at 3:56:28 PM CET

Sounds like a plan. Commitee away.

jesse.ewles, November 18, 2006 at 5:27:28 PM CET

To avoid all the politics, maybe you should handle the "winners" like the Toronto Film Festival does. There are no higherarchies; it's just a list of important pieces from the year that every agrees should be seen by all. -j

kevathens, November 18, 2006 at 6:19:18 PM CET

UPDATE: Change of focus, I apologize. Here are my ideas.

-The details discussed in these posts will be compiled, edited, and used as award show/category guidelines. [See next comment]

-It seems Progosk and I will 'run' the voting? If you would like to help, please let us know.


-What's the status on the DVD / tangible award?

progosk, November 18, 2006 at 7:11:32 PM CET

erm, lest we make it all sound overly complicated/discussed-to-death, let's just sum up what's come together so far.

  1. there will be only two polls as such (with the little clickable buttons): the first one to decide the final 10 categories out of the 35 suggested so far. that'll be the next awards post you'll see.

  2. the second poll will be to vote for an antville mv awards logo (it'd be nice to have a couple more entries...)

  3. once the 10 final categories are tallied from the poll, they get posted in a call for nominees for each category. you name your nominees by posting in the comments, maximum 3 per person per category (as per k's final request ;-). you can edit your nominations until the nomination period is closed. (is a week too long?)

  4. the top five nominees for all ten categories are then collected in a whopping call-for-final-votes post, including screencaps, qt links wherever possible, and links to their original antville post. you make your final votes again by posting one vote per person per category. as before, you can edit your final votes until the voting period is closed. (is four days too long?)

  5. winners will be announced in full pomp&circumstance, accompanied by robodrug's most excellent press release.

erm... that's it. (no?)

progosk, November 18, 2006 at 7:25:40 PM CET

jesse: i think the call-for-final-votes post, containing 50 antville nominees with caps&links&all is what will actually make the rounds most, with the toronto effect you had in mind. final winners, somewhat inevitable this time round - otherwise it's kind of hard to call them awards - are going to be interesting only for the obsessive among us. (your suggestion might be a thought for the future, though...)

kevathens, November 20, 2006 at 12:58:59 AM CET

HEY DIRECTORS+Robodrug! [ Apologies: I edited this..]

Per the press release, which robo I'm actually chuffed that you're writing, I think that's a perfect match--

I think it would be good to note how Antville has helped boost directors' careers. For instance, one director has told me he got hired by a rep thanks to Antville. I've asked this person if we could use his actual quotes in a press release for the awards.

We all know Ramon Bloomberg got picked up by Blimp because Hass saw his work here.

Are there any other directors/creatives out there who got a sizable boost thanks to Antville? And when is Patrick Daughters going to comment?

vs, November 20, 2006 at 3:26:01 AM CET

kev is there a way to sticky these award posts to keep them from getting lost amongst the videos?

kevathens, November 20, 2006 at 3:36:26 AM CET

We looked into that kinda thing in the past, but it never quite happened. We'd have to get kris (Praise Unto Him) to do some sneaky editing.

nicknick, November 20, 2006 at 6:57:00 AM CET

IN RESPONSE TO: Are there any other directors/creatives out there who got a sizable boost thanks to Antville? And when is Patrick Daughters going to comment?

Well...a few weeks ago someone posted our video for TALL HANDS "THREE FULL VIRGINIAS" (animated beards growing to the beat) and two days later I got a phone call from ANTENNA ( in the UK to screen the video in London as part of their 4 year anniversary screening, saying they first saw it here on the ville.

It screened last Friday alongside some really amazing work and got a great response.

In a more quotable snippet:

Antville took our video, that would not normally get widespread distribution on TV, and put it right in front of the people in the industry who are looking for new directors. The video was included in the ANTENNA screening in london last Friday alongside some amazing work, and got a great response. The screening lead to some meetings, and those meetings to some treatment writing on a new continent. So yeah...cheers to antville.

robodrug, November 20, 2006 at 9:16:10 PM CET

Right I'll get to it gimmi a couple ov days don't try to lobby me to include stuff! That can be stuffed into the edit

And I don't wish to take the editor's job on!

Fuck its gonna take mi hours n hours n hours!

progosk, November 20, 2006 at 9:24:47 PM CET

robod's micro-debut as voice-of-antville:

robodrug, November 21, 2006 at 3:48:45 AM CET

ppl have a clear understanding ov wot a press release is right?

A news release is a handout ov basic information that covers a story

in other words its a brief, statement that outline the major facts of the story in 'journo style'

I can cobble together 3 or four pa graphs from what I can glean from the threads but If anyone has a more concise take on the 5 W's n' a H (Thats who, what, when, where, why, and how) please post

I could also do with another 3 or 4 ov the headhunted n' headhunters

over n' out

PS There is the distinct possibility I may not use it as my anarchist tendencies will over come my stalinist desire for order, in my prose Still it may be ov use in any edit!


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