St. Vincent "Jesus Saves, I Spend" //// Directed by Andy Bruntel ( w/ Bucky Fukumoto )

Similar sensibilities as Andy's Modest Mouse video but good god does she have a nice face.
She certainly does. She looks like Madonna would if Madonna wasn't an ugly old gap-toothed boot.
yeh, i wuz in love with my teacher too... totally charming. (mind sandwich! cool hat! bonus vid: moon version.)
Speaking of, Vincent Moon of La Blogothèque was on MTV News recently..
That was a great vid. Not the least bit quirky.
Loooooooooved it. And her. And the eclipse / scout transforming into swamp beast. I wish my boyscout experience had been more surreal.
Listening to the song's lyrics I'd say the concept and absurdity of the narrative are actually right on mark.
k: fascinating instance of self-immolation, mtv featuring the concerts à emporter; "i'm hoping this will take the place of the music video. [...] this is music the way it was meant to be heard." (d'you think they noticed? who was the mtv-future-scout on here again? what's the old hag of music videos planning to do about this?) great to see mathieu/vincent in his own speak. i've loved him from the start - his concept deserves to conquer the world.
I think it was familiar.
great video, who shot this?
really charming and inventive. Love the badges. Cinematography was great, don't know who shot it but I'm guessing Shawn Kim? (lighting reminds me of the Shins Phantom Limb video a little)
Awesome. La Blogotheque is awesome too. Everything's awesome!
Everything's awesome!
Except being awesome.
great work!
Oooo. Beautiful. Maybe one of my favs year? Mind Sandwich:) Some subtle similarities of humor to Bruntel's Mountain Goats video but with the added magic of his Modest Mouse video and an extremley beautiful face.
The DP was Marc Ritzema, you can see more of his work at He's awesome.
abused: Thanks for the link!
It is well nice, music takes a few listens tho'!
If I'm not mistaken the budget on this was set at 7500usd but this seems much more than that. Did the budget go up? What do you think they shot it on? 16mm? HD?
Yes budget was around 7500 with the HVX:/
definitely looks more expensive than 7500. did you pull a lot of favors on this one as well?
I'd say you saved the track with a super visually compelling piece here, Sir Bruntel. Rock on with your bad self.
That was excellent. Caterpillar was my favorite bit.
See, I told you guys this video was awesome.
This is an amazing video. For me, it's the exquisite cinematography (of such a gorgeous face, no less) that really grounds the joyfully absurd set pieces, so hats off big time to Mr. Ritzema's brilliant work and an all around Huzzah! to everyone involved. The hard work on a shoe string budget made absolutely everything about this vid shine.
A lesson on how to be cute and quirky without coming off like you're trying too hard to be cute and quirky.
That was just great..Good stuff all around!