3, 2, 1...
... aaaand - she's off!
my thoughts on this:
any chance for a proper logo this year?
revised categories? in 2006 we had: most fun video best animated video best performance video best narrative video best choreography best art direction best editing best cinematography best unknown/unsigned director best new director director of the year best music video of the year if they're to change, call for and poll of them by end of november.
nominations worked out ok last year, so: personal nom's in comments by 15th december.
final voting on the other hand... suggestions?
keep the categories.... saves a huge step. Keep the logo- it's funny! I really liked the process last year; the only snag was the ballot stuffing that threw off the 2 categories.
The only way to do it slightly better would be for everyone to post their votes for the final 5 in comments; and then then the votes would be tallied by hand. This would discourage first time voters; ballot stuffing, and people voting for one category only.
With categories chosen; this whole thing would be a 2 step process.
slow down - there's 6 weeks still for masterpieces to be made...
yeah but the list should come out just before Xmas.... which means that all the voting should start just after thanksgiving. Ya know, give a week to collect nominations, a week to vote, etc.
dec 06 was pretty much excluded from last year's awards (so as to get it in the bag by x-mas as cap'marc sed) - so vids in the running should really be dec06-nov07. no? 'course, if we keep the categories as they are, i guess we could go straight to nominees around, say, 10th december.
as regards the logo:


is to

- not that that's necessarily a reason to change it...
Yes please on the Dec06 - Nov07. That would make Golden Skans eligible. ;)
Gondry's all smooth, like a muscular sea lion. -j
Gondry, speaking of.... did everyone see these stills from his new bjork video? bjork.com
i'd like to add best video artist of the year, which means the artist who made an effort to keep the videos as a creative product
or best DIY video?
how about some "razzies" categories? like worst video or worst imitation?
What is the rational for not starting nominations after the year is over?
best-of lists round out a year - and on the net there's always so many of them that by january they're just rank with regurgitation. assuming we do want our stocking stuffed ('mirite?) it takes a little run-up to get the 'ville rallied...
mvjunkie's concerned gondry might find the top pic offensive... i wouldn't be surprised if it was michel himself who submitted it!
so - consensus on categories is: keep'em as is? add "best video artist"? add "best unofficial video"? can we get these straight by end of week?
There's a reason the Academy Awards arent until February 2008 for 2007 entries. I say we wait and see what masterpieces come in the next 6 weeks. Otherwise be prepared to include all December 2006 videos as well. What's the rush?? At least wait until January to nominate. I mean, with the writers strike in effect I don't have anyone to write my acceptance speech yet anyway...um jk.
Btw here are the categories that lost from last year..
best animation (graphic) best animation (stop-motion) best cgi video best costume design best found footage video best "found"/viral music video best mashup video best music video blog biggest creative gamble best on a shoestring budget most resourceful best production company best urban (r&b/hip-hop/rap) best visual fx best song/video match breakthrough video lifetime achievement most blatant product placement best calm/silent/low-key video most underrated/overlooked video shortest deadline worst music video of the year
Awards 2007: Updated logo from Prog. We've already had some press interest for the Awards..