Cinematic Orchestra "To Build A Home" & "Breathe", Dir. Up The Resolution

UPUPDATE mov of both parts here (tho small, for now...)
mov here (no longer)
mp4 here (no longer)
(courtesy of dek; UPDATE: censored by ninjatune)
yes, 2,42:1, in case you're wondering.
(other versions.)
I was under the impression this was a two song video though? Is the second half missing? Maybe he raises her from the dead?... questions questions.
Someone needs to get some effin' feature work already.
cop: p'haps it breaks at 2:43 on the DVD.
yo i read about that dvd thing but it wasnt included. maybe theyre staggering the release or some such epic nonsense.... worth the wait so far though.
Gosh - that was actually really quite upsetting, in a good way.
so. the story goes like this: she is ill with terminal ovarian cancer, and he takes her back from the hospital only to help her die a quick clean death - to comfort her in the dreary hour - (it's a depeeeer kind of slumbeeeeeer), at home (the same home he'd built for her many a moon back) far from the maddening crowd. i dig this kind of stories, so in a sense i loved the video. yet i still deemed it too slow paced for its own good (not that i hold something against slow pace but too much tension [home] building ruined it for me). still. why the 2.42:1 anamorphic widescreen format? for the green pastures i'd rather admire in tim roth's the war zone? (well this is just me being picky, i like the video).
The pacing was right. The story was right. The script was subtle enough. The photography was excellent. The acting was spot on. I don't see your faults mocanu, it has to be said.
I had dreamt of making a video for this song. Let's be honest- to an cinema-lover and video director it is an absolute gift. So... I was very jealous when I saw that someone had managed to make a video for this song (wonder where the budget came from?).
I hold my hands up and say that they did a great job. Any video to this song should give you a lump in the throat, or make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and this did the former for me. Curse my sensitive little soul.
for something i thought would be right up your alley, you're pretty f'ing skittish, matei.
wow, thats a real tenderizer, watching this makes many other clips and promos pail and recede into luminescent memory. obviously the track plays a huge role in that but peter mullan is incredible and i can't think of the actress' name off the top of my head but she is a standard loach/leigh contributor, i'm fairly certain. bottom line is, it's refreshing to watch something so measured and with such pathos.
she's Julia Ward.
progosk, don't get me wrong: i said i liked the video. i said i dig this kind of stories. i'd even venture to confess i wish i did something like this with my video. the more i watch it (and I did watch it a couple of times - make it 10 or 11 - already) the more i like it. you figured me right: it is exactly my cup of tea and now i realize i might've sounded harsher than intended, my bad. (however, i still think widescreen's too 'big' for a story this intimate)
ps: and yes, i'm fucking skittish alright. all the time. heh cheers
Very very nice!
instant monthly favourite
more info (spoilers!!):
"Up The Resolution have taken music from TCO’s massively acclaimed album, “Ma Fleur” and used it as the inspiration for a 12 minute two-part film. The film takes an unflinching, searingly unsentimental look at love, life and death. Shot on 35mm over two days on location in Cumbria, this short tells of the final hours of a couple’s life together. The story: a husband (Peter Mullan) carries his wife (Julia Ford) across dales and fields to a remote hillside cottage, arriving exhausted but giddily affectionate. He has festooned the rooms with memorabilia from their lives together - love letters, photographs and albums - in an attempt to rekindle their intimacy, and ultimately reclaim control over an apparently troubled life. The complicity and romance of the events which follow questions the socially accepted path dictated to those diagnosed as terminally ill. Longevity and legalities are sacrificed to something far more personal and humane, reclaiming a romance and poignancy often suffocated by a hospital ward/hospice environment. The completed film, and resolution of this story will be released in April 2008."
on a sidenote, could anyone tell me what happened to cinematic orchestra's'breathe'(my fav track off 'ma fleur')? i remember having submitted a treatment for the video and not winning. did simon skevington eventually pick someone to direct that video? is there an un/official promo for the song?
I wanted to cry. :(
great film. very touchy. i think 80% is in the song. even though the film is co-genius. but the more you have a close look at details (walk to the house, no road, her dress, why didnt she change, house inside falling apart, fotographs which seem to be from 1920, she seems much younger, her bed, like a bum, very strange that the house is kept like this) the more the whole story raises questions and details dont seem to fit - which makes it maybe even more interesting
Hullo. Thank you for the comments! I'm not entirely sure the label will be happy at this being posted up but hey ho. There's a part two for 'Breathe' which serves as an epilogue to this piece, unfortunately if you thought this was slow then you'll hate it!! ha. I could fill in daku's blanks but should probably try and stoke some sort of enigma or somesuch. Hmmm.
sorry folks - ninjatune kindly asked to keep you all in the dark.
finally! (see upupdate above.) director interview here.
thanks progosk this is beautiful, captivating, AMAZING