African Music Videos
Talib Kweli - Hostile Gospel Pt.1 (Dir. Andrew Dosunmu) u2b. shot in Lagos (making of).
Movaizehaleine - Nous (Dir. JG Biggs) u2b. Shot as part of an MTV initiative to promote the quality of african music videos. Coming soon from the same initiative: Uchie feat. Talib Kweli - Unique (Dir. Coodie&Chike)
Dama do Bling - Dança do Remexe (Dir. DJ Marcell) u2b. Mozambique's Lil' Kim. bonus vid: Dama do Bling - Boy. and two more from the same director: Lizha James - Numa wa mina Ace Nells - Sera given the average african fare: talent alert!
Wazimbo - Nwahulwana (Dir. Martin Hoffman & Daniel Burns) u2b. A peaceable marrabenta sign-off.
previous african 'ville posts.
What is African? From Africa, produced by Africans? Strictly speaking, this is also an african music video..
Can white people be African?
th' place's a friggin continent - so: yeh, rofltoe, indeed: good to know. (and: let's not have this degenerate into stale old polemics...)
sure progosk. I agree.
average african fare is right however
add in artist&track?
ahh epick
Nice tune from Lark, although I prefer Heroin Mary. And I fancy the lead female singer, she isn't bad at all. But this Mouth of Me is too reminiscent - albeit more down to earth - of that other heist mini movie Army of Me.
Sorry, the first video is Desmond & the Tutu's, the second, Lark. Both directed by Humanoid..
its purty old but it deserves a place in here: