Glasvegas - Flowers & Football Tops, Dir. Martin De Thurah

better youtube link HD
before i edit it for the umpteenth time: wasnt somebody else credited with having directed this? when it first appeared on the internet?
It is De Thurah. In sharp relief to the killers vid this one.. Gorgeous cinematography. I love De Thurah. Great, great director.
i like de thurah as well, im sure its him, im trying to remmbr if i really read another dirs name or not. eh, frgt about it
I like De Thura, too. But hmmmm. I don't know how i feel about this video. He seems to shoot allways the same stuff. Some particles, some houses. The Cinematography IS great, yes. But there is something missing.
I've got the same problems with the Will Young- 'Changes' Video.
The Beginning is great. And after that... some particels, houses, rain and storm. Looks all great. but... ggggnnnaaa
gootta agree with you oon this one. disagree with changes
Only the second half of "changes". I love the first part. "The rock", the gas station. great. But some parts in it where so random. The woman laying at the car, the cow, some light effects... and than everything changes into "night scenes" and an old house, random locations like barn and fireplace and at the end some empty road and rain.
I hope DeThura will find a way back to meaningful images... and not only "looks damn cool" images. Images that also tells a story. I mean... of course I can see a story in "changes", too (well, i don't really want to call it a story). ... if you put a cow, a woman, some old house... you can interprete so much into this. but thats not really a story.
Some question to "progosk" - How did you get this HD mp4 link from youtube. I tried but only got a 480 x 270 pixel files.
firefox+greasemonkey+script; copy mp4 link, change 18 to 22, paste link in browser - voilà.
easier (and permanent): -> mp4
nice - that's not a direct re-linkable is it, kays?
it's not a direct link as it will redirect several times but who cares since at least it's permanent (check for timestamps you little philatelist)
beautiful! and so effortless.
the last minute or so is masterful
Effortless? This seems like a very contrived version of his last few videos. The particle machine and stormy weather is getting old.
De Thura is the master of atmosphere and mood, great pacing, and stellar cinematography.
I'm with Kee. The last minute is really cool. Not so sure about the rest of the vid though....
did kasper tuxen andersen shoot this?
nope: lasse frank johannessen (nice guy, btw)
lasse did a beautiful beautiful painterly job on this. the hard beam on the face made my brain gasp
(kasper is lovely fella too)
One of the most grossly over-rated bands around right now. Video is pretty enough, though.
the cinematography is fab and the efx are nicely done. i have to say the video didn't move me at all though. on the other hand, that could be the fault of the lackluster song.
how much of the last bit was done in-camera, i wonder?
And where can I buy "healty dust" for such a shoot? seriously. If you need "dust" for a szene. What do you use. Because every dust I know is very unhealthy. I didn't get the message of the video either... the particles which flow in noses.
And at 1:57 ... look at the deph of field. The particel is sharp. The backround is blurry. Than tha background gets sharp, too... and the young man "sniffing" the particle. DeThura allways did great compositings. But this compositing sucks. Because of the "sharp / unsharp" situation. (depth of field) the viewer think that the partikle is one or two meters in front of the guy... and one second later the particle is in his nose. Looks like "jump cut". (not really). Its just an ugly compositing work. Realy!
And if you look closly the particles that goes into the noses are just disapear in a very "unrealistic way". The particle is not getting darker, or something like that. The Composer just make the partikles more transparent... but thats wrong... the wrong tool.
And if you check the frames at 1:58 the mask around the nostril is jst crap.. for 2, 3 frames. But this is fucking important.
And the "particle nose thing" at 1:16... o dear. The way the particle dissapears hurts. It really hurts.
I found this very uninteresting. Its funny how some of the regulars on this site are so easily won over by some 'nice', 'moody' cinematography and a good colour grade.
@kansas: for me personally, it has to do with my own taste. i'm always drawn to videos that have a cinematic look with lots of atmosphere. but particularly here--i found the last segment so captivating and beautiful, which i believe is incredibly difficult to attain under a music video format (the song has a lot to do with it obviously). i don't think it's enough for a video to look nice, but there is emotion in this piece, which i admire greatly.
I enjoyed this (and already liked the song, though better without the 'sunshine' bit). Does not feel like it needs to be expounded upon though.
@kee: I must admit this particular video doesn't appeal to my sense of taste which is obviously different to yours. However I also feel that it doesn't offer anything interesting in terms of concept, aesthetic, narrative or technique which for me rates higher in terms of what makes a good video than a cinematic look, atmosphere or emotion. I think these things that you admire are not that hard to attain given a medium range budget, a good cinematographer and a few vaguely symbolic images. Don't get me wrong though, I am a sucker for good cinematography, atmosphere and emotion but without an interesting concept, narrative, aesthetic (art direction) or technique I am easily bored.
PS I do like some of De Thurah's other work just not this one.
@kansas: not sure if i completely agree with that. it's super rare when i find a video that is both beautiful and emotional. i think the last one that i saw was josh & xander's "where is my love" video
also, songs are an incredibly important factor. i think it accounts for more than half of what makes a video emotional. without the proper song, the video will just look pretty (this goes for both this video and the cat power one)
A vicious and beautiful storm hits and infects. Love it.