Dan Kov - The Yellow Kayak (dir. Abteen Bagheri-Fard & Jay Kilachand)

First music video directed by Abteen Bagheri-Fard and Jay Kilachand. Everyone involved (from actors to music artist) is a current college undergraduate. Please leave any criticism.
YouTube (available in HD):
MOV via redlabelfilms.com
really liked the feel of that rainbow effect, and the pattern-guy premise was a valid start. would've done without the later distortion of the surroundings (or else made them more targeted; as was they just seemed sloppy), and probably without the kids' faces too. also, for such a long track, some neater turn of fate (than just finding a soulmate and hanging out together) might have been of the order. still: nice effect. (oh, and: excessive mov alert! a nimbler file size will get you more play.)
Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I guess I should upload a smaller quicktime version.
I totally agree with the main premise being a bit too simple for the length of the song. We'll work on that for next vid.
yep, lovely effect!
maybe it's not so much that it's too simple a premise (finding love... the oldest & most reliable artistic premise ever), just that you 'peak' the idea - they meet each other - at about half way through... so from then on, there's not much to do? you do get some lovely visuals where their bodies cross over each other though. and yeah end colour bleeding is cool, but maybe more controlled.
really like the fact that his shoes are normal. nice touch. very nice look overall.