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Where The Wild Things Are trailer- Dir: Spike Jonze

progosk, March 25, 2009 at 7:19:54 PM CET

oh man - instant classic. i so hope it's not another one of those wickedasstrailer-lameassmovie situations....

budget, March 25, 2009 at 7:54:24 PM CET

Vague motivational slogans + Arcade Fire + too many shots of characters crying or staring off into space = Zach Braff cut the trailer?

I have high hopes for this, but I hope they err on the side of "fun kids book" and not "hipster-baiting statement film".

ai, March 25, 2009 at 7:56:41 PM CET

it's on Apple site too:

30f, March 25, 2009 at 9:47:52 PM CET

I have high hopes for this because of my admiration for Sendak and Jonze. The trailer looks promising, but was that squeaking sound someone mashing the 'emotion' button over and over and over again?

I am also a bit nervous that there may not be a whole movie's worth of story in this concept. The trailer for '300' was amazing but watching the whole film was like sitting through the trailer 41 times in a row. I hope 'Wild Things' is great.

my name is legion, March 25, 2009 at 11:07:43 PM CET

@ budget - lol, although i liked garden state

natsyelzom, March 26, 2009 at 12:52:49 AM CET

Speaking of Jonze, anyone heard anything about that Weezer vid for "The Greatest man That Ever Lived"? Was announced about 6 months ago and heard absolutely nothing since. Has it been shot?

setanor, March 26, 2009 at 1:20:18 AM CET

regarding the pandering elements of the trailer, there was a lot of drama in the past 8 months or so about warner bros being very unhappy with spike's film to the point where it seemed clear they were going to re-shoot a lot of the core elements. eventually, some screenings went well, spike made his case (as well as his producers and whoever else) and warner relented. my guess is this trailer is their stand - sure, you can make our sure-shot kids movie so scary that a bunch of kids will probably run out in tears, but we're taking the marketing and we're going to run with it.

setanor, March 26, 2009 at 1:21:30 AM CET

also, can we please stop breathlessly using the word "hipster" every five seconds like we're 2005 vintage ann coulter frothing "liberal" at the mouth?

macguffin, March 26, 2009 at 1:28:20 AM CET

^^ Especially when the collective taste of antville is about as "hipster" as it gets.

kansas, March 26, 2009 at 2:19:39 AM CET

Exactly Macguffin.

My guess is that spike jonze has had to constantly struggle against the studio to make this film into something special. I'm sure if the studio got their way the film would turn out something like Shrek. I think anyone who has a fondness for the book should be greatful that someone like Spike has directed this.

mainchara, March 26, 2009 at 3:05:19 AM CET

Oh man this was too cool. :( Sad face because I once doubted what was gonna come from re-shoots, re-writes and then all that bad blog talk. Last time I fall into that mess.

I will definitely watch this film.

hipgnosist, March 26, 2009 at 5:43:23 AM CET

Skeptical, but... "LET THE WILD RUMPUS BEGIN!"

igor33, March 26, 2009 at 6:20:25 AM CET

Love it! :D

familiar, March 26, 2009 at 6:35:03 AM CET

Looks great. I'm actually excited about this again.

jesse.ewles, March 26, 2009 at 8:21:32 AM CET

Stirring. :) Hmmm, to me Warner Bros. has been giving it's director's a lot of freedom with mixed results (HP5 ***, Dark Knight ****, Watchmen **). If I was to speculate, I think the only reason Warner would have given Jonze a hard time is if the film weren't any good. They're certainly not afraid to go dark... :) If it fails, it will be due to the screenplay I think.

kansas, March 26, 2009 at 2:27:22 PM CET

HP5, Dark Knight and the watchmen have got completely different perceived target audiences. These movies are still aimed to make money and its obvious they would make more money being dark as thats what the intended audience is going to like. Warner brothers are not stupid. These movies are blockbusters not potential cult indie movies.

If this movie is potentially too scary for young kids who do you think the intended audience for 'Where the wild things are' is? Hipsters? What percentage of movie goers do you think they make up?

Whatever though. I for one am excited about this movie.

senilitynow, March 26, 2009 at 4:06:46 PM CET

let's tone it down a bit fellas. this is a music video director we're talking about, and you know the results that come from promo directors going in to feature films: joseph kahn, marcos siega, dave meyers, jessy terrero, etc.

jesse.ewles, March 26, 2009 at 4:33:38 PM CET

Spike also made two of best films in recent memory though. Where the Wild Things Are will probably be fantastic; from the trailer it looks as if Jonze's is aware of everything going on in visual culture (as usual).
I'm just crossing my fingers that the writing is great.

familiar, March 26, 2009 at 4:46:31 PM CET

Indeed. He has a track record that makes Joseph Kahn look like... well. Joseph Kahn.

bigload, March 26, 2009 at 5:34:07 PM CET

i've seen a handfull of scenes and the writing's superb (dave eggers is credited as co-writer). you all need to relax and by october we'll all know how many hipsters, kids and grandparents lineup to see this movie.

finchmeister, March 26, 2009 at 7:53:49 PM CET

This is, in my opinion, absolutely beautiful.


Just a head's up, the Weezer Greatest Man video fell through (not because of any serious reason, there was a cool concept but everyone was just too busy), I asked Spike about it two weeks ago (because I'm such a cool cat).

my name is legion, March 27, 2009 at 11:59:00 AM CET

totally offtopic, but to even things out a little bit:

Alanedit, March 27, 2009 at 3:40:57 PM CET

Spike has had a good track record with his features, something his contemporaries can't claim. No matter how eccentric the subject matter, his first two films delivered. I've been looking forward to seeing this since it was announced, and don't care what the politics are. With a trailer this good (shades of dr strangelove on the type) if the film delivers half what it promises it's going to be a triumph. Can you picture Michel Gondry directing this? I sure as absolutely don't. Spike Jonze has focus on his ideas, and a good editor to wing them. This is why I think he's the best of his music video contemporaries that made the leap to features. Adaptation, anyone?

mainchara, March 27, 2009 at 5:57:54 PM CET

Word. Adaptation is a damn-near masterpiece that is also ridiculously under-rated.

captainmarc22, July 27, 2009 at 8:45:07 AM CEST

Where the Wild Things Are - New featurette:

true_fiction, August 7, 2009 at 6:15:51 PM CEST

Theatrical Trailer!!!!


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