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YYY's - Y Control

Check out the newest single for "Y Control" from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. -- A Spike Jonze joint.

Also be sure to look at the rest of their awesome videography if you haven't already. Enjoy.

akb, August 25, 2004 at 8:54:11 PM CEST

I like the vids of their live shows on better [ 1 2 3 4 ]. Don't get me wrong, I like this one, its just that they are a much better live band.

langdonallger, August 26, 2004 at 12:13:16 AM CEST

Did spike jonze really make this?

ai, August 26, 2004 at 1:11:03 AM CEST

i kind like it, maybe he had his holidays with mr cunningham? oh also a kid doing a sureshot would had been more politically correct. Is this airing on mtv (2) ? jonze is really a documentarist IMHO.

turf, August 26, 2004 at 2:30:59 AM CEST

Documentarist? He's directed two of the most brilliant feature films of recent years!

As for this video... well it's a pretty good song. :| 'Maps' is better by far (in my all time favourite top 10 too.)

dyei2, August 26, 2004 at 3:27:45 AM CEST

first - his video Sabotage made the beastie boys and he brought Christopher Walken to a new level of pimp.

but - no way, i will highly disagree with the "most brilliant feature" statement.

Adaptation was great, as was Being John Malcovich. It was the scripts and charlie kaufman's ideas that were brilliant! Kaufman and Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind overshadows both of Jonze's movies..

I agree with spike being a great documentarian because of his ability to fool the public. He threw a wrench into the music video system with Fatboy Slim and the amateur dance troupe... i think he recently did a documentary for either Volvo or Audi about how around 39 people in a small town bought one model of car, on the same day, without knowing it. Both pieces are lies. Fiction taken to a new level because it seems to believeable! Yet there's always something about it that makes us question it.

His intelligence and creativity come from messing with our common acceptance of culture, where he leaves us in front of our TVs accepting but thinking "i can't believe this," and we really shouldn't.

i'm not a big fan of this video.

ai, August 26, 2004 at 9:57:09 AM CEST

the stephen frears short for audi is quite well done too.

hazok, August 26, 2004 at 10:03:26 AM CEST

Great song. Really bad video. I'd love to hear his directors pitch: "- Lets get some kids dance around a stuffed dog!" Great idea Mr Jonze!

binkystick, August 26, 2004 at 10:25:49 AM CEST

Say what you want about this video (personally, I quite enjoy it), but to say that Sabotage "made the beastie boys" is the most asinine thing I've heard all day. They had three highly regarded albums before that song/video was ever released. It was just another great chapter of their artistry.

And Eternal Sunshine was way overrated.

And "Maps" was a sucky, overrated video.

ai, August 26, 2004 at 1:43:08 PM CEST

Carrey was a bit too hysterical during the whole movie, winslet was perfect. the movie is always at the same pace wich is tiring at the end, it would need like chapters with different colors and pause and accelerations. But speaking about jonze' features i really dislike the kaufman scenarios because they are some much like intellectual posing. for example making things look weird just because its cool or fun, thats really superficial. Dont take me for a conservative bastard but today i would tend to think that in a story the climax and stuff should gravitate around the characters and not being a decorum. thats why i think being malkovich is really a poser movie. sorry i didnt see adaptation. but gondry's first feature suffer from the same pb.

ai, August 26, 2004 at 1:50:32 PM CEST

i found the dead dog quite funny.

captainmarc22, August 27, 2004 at 7:53:59 PM CEST

Man this is weird - yeah, someone called it, this is Spike Jonze channeling Chris Cunningham.... maybe he got the whole "Director's Label" DVD set. Gotta admire the fact that he's doing something different. The only part I don't really like is when the girl cuts off the boy's hand, because the subtitles come out of nowhere. This is far and away the best Karen O performance in a YYY video; the giant numbers scene is awesome. I gotta lead towards the genius side, but if some no-name directed this, it might be harder to gauge.

diverse, February 15, 2005 at 12:35:06 AM CET

I personally didn't mind the video cause its definately different like the boy asking the girl to cut his hand off i don't know what that was about or if had some kind of a significant meaning.But it sure got my attention also Karen O rocking out her signiture and unique looking clothes but i would have like to seen more of the other 2 band members but hey what can you do spike jonze wanted to see more of Karen O were gonna see more of Karen O

steve24fps, April 29, 2005 at 9:03:40 AM CEST

brilliant. one of the only videos i can watch without wanting to throw up. there is hope.

wilson wilson, July 5, 2005 at 10:55:32 PM CEST

I love this video. One of Spike Jonze best, I think. It makes me happy and afraid.

spreech, April 18, 2006 at 8:11:21 PM CEST

here is the direct link.


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