captainmarc22, March 29, 2005 at 3:44:16 AM CEST
A buncha old-school rap videos
tagged a couple of videos
...some interesting stuff. Watch Will Smith hold it down in a Fresh Prince Disneyland video.
captainmarc22, March 29, 2005 at 12:18:28 AM CEST
Kelly Osbourne "One Word"
okay I know, Kelly Osbourne sucks. But.....
she's doing Kylie Minogue-ish synth pop.
it's directed by Chris Applebaum and is apparently based on Godard's Alphaville
partizan has no website so it's interesting to see (hidden?) work posted.
Not mindblowing, but I always gotta give respect to directors who can come up with interesting videos for lame artists (Chris Milk's Courtney Love video comes to mind).