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Shot in Prague. Has both flying women...

...and flying toast...

copy and paste this direct link

Bernard Fanning - Wish You Well

G'day all, back for my second post. I'm fairly sure this video is only out in Australia so i thought i'd let you all have a taste of some great Aussie talent. Bernard Fanning is a well known Australian Artist from the legendary band Powderfinger. This is his first single from his upcoming debut solo album due for release Oct 31st. I liked the idea of this video, went well with the song. Anyway, sit back and enjoy...


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Phelps & Munro: Preamble, directed by controlspace

File under no flow no groove falling down the stairs nonstop shmaltz full doof action packed worst xmas ever.

Preamble 8.1 Mb quicktime

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Spoon "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine" (Directed by Ryan Junell)

A new music video shot, edited, and directed by Ryan Junell in San Francisco featuring the infamous performer Johnny Kat at the illustrious drag night known as Trannyshack. For the wonderful band Spoon on behalf of their lovely new album "Gimme Fiction" out now on Merge Records.

link (quicktime)

still from Spoon's "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine"

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Plötslichmusik - Wasserliebe

Rather weird Swedish German-sounding EBM. Love it when the singer misses his line :)

NOT safe for work (ok, that depends on WHERE you work I guess, but still).

Plötslichmusik - Wasserliebe

website 26MB Quicktime Streaming Windows Media

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Recent comments:
'Founded by Leen Hamo... kevathens; 00:16
Video By: Brad Murnane kevathens; 00:19
Sometimes pop music surprises... robodrug; 09:13
Frightening.. kevathens; 00:57
Seem better but I... kevathens; 15:53
d Connor Brashier &... kevathens; 00:12
Barely remember that -... kevathens; 21:37
Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
robodrug: Two weeks?! No... antdude; 03:52
Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
Overall they think I’m... kevathens; 11:15
Was’n one psych hos... kevathens; 11:13
Thanks for the updates.... antdude; 05:38
I’ve been out kevathens; 02:06
I think this is... anniewaters91; 23:35 antdude; 01:29
NSFW kevathens; 10:23 * kevathens; 11:58
As can be seen... robodrug; 13:02
The8 debuted as a... robodrug; 13:00
Can't say I care... robodrug; 12:57 (2005) - kevathens; 00:07
Better than remembered kevathens; 12:19
Meh kevathens; 11:43
This has a bit... robodrug; 09:20
Perfect Black Label! robodrug; 09:15
But why re(peat/post) 4X?... antdude; 01:14
Q&A Ben Reed (3/2021) kevathens; 12:57
cool robodrug; 17:17
Shockingly saw this on... kevathens; 15:26
There’s 10K hits this... kevathens; 11:25
Jennie, Rosé coming soon kevathens; 01:41
Now, it works. Thanks.... antdude; 00:30
Opens for me? robodrug; 06:38
Fixed kevathens; 03:00
No, it's not. I... antdude; 02:53
OKGo kevathens; 23:48
Money's on being Choi... robodrug; 21:06
MTV is playing Fifty... kevathens; 13:26
Well if that don't... robodrug; 13:45
Sorry to hear, wish... robodrug; 12:21
Hi I’m having issues. I... kevathens; 19:49
Ah Rats... blocked in... robodrug; 02:23
Brill! :D robodrug; 00:36
They’re playing this on... kevathens; 00:26
nice1 robodrug; 03:21
This is a concept!... robodrug; 01:27
Glad to hear mate,... robodrug; 01:05
Very P Nation 31... robodrug; 01:03

October 2005