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Been a lot more users with names like Jalasjärvi and Saarijärvi showing up lately. And what the hell was with that Väätäinen Riihijärvi post?
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It seems to have been infiltrated by robots posting links.

what do you all think abou it?


videostill Quicktime

Joakim "Fantômes", dir. Hugo Ramirez

faux-lumière cut-out noctambulation.

badly artifacted mov here.

(via superette)

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SKIN -- "India's Got the Bomb"

This is one video from SKIN’s full length debut cd+dvd. “India’s Got the Bomb” is about symbols and how they’re interpreted and misinterpreted by cultures around the world (That’s the lofty answer)… or it’s about what you can do with a bunch of wingdings and some imagination.

The concept behind Skin is full Multi-Media--The kind of thing the A/V dork at your high school would love. Or the stoner kid who listened to Pink Floyd in the park…you get the picture.

SKIN’s cd+dvd is the first true video album. Yeah, I know bands have been including DVD’s with their albums to futilely try to stave off illegal downloads, but this is different—the visuals and music were conceived and created together to form an immersive experience not only on the DVD, but also in Skin’s live show (A short montage of our live show is included on the DVD). Each song has it’s own unique visual representation (music video just sounds so 80’s era MTV, doesn’t it?), and we threw in that old almost completely outdated audio format, the CD, as well.

The band features members of Mutaytor and former members of P.I.L.

SKIN cd+dvd available at,, amoeba SF and Skin’s website.

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AddictiveTV, DJ 2nd Nature, Eclectic Method - Take The Lead Remix

This is a remix created by AddictiveTV to promote the film, TAKE THE LEAD, starring Antonio Banderas.

Viewable on YouTube:

Remixed by AddictiveTV:

Remixed by DJ 2nd Nature:

Remixed by Eclectic Method:

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Rainer von Vielen "Sandbürger", dir. Thomas Wimmer

wie du mir, so ich dir (pseudo-gypsy-punk).

wmv hier.

(via muvi)

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Vernon&Burns "The Lady Moon Turns Sulky", dir. Mariola Brillowska

the sound of one hand...

wmv here.

(via muvi)

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I have to say... kevathens; 02:37
This is fantastic (I’m... kevathens; 00:49
FYI I’m still obssesed... kevathens; 21:06
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Every once in a... kevathens; 21:15
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Shout out to @kevathens... Benjamin.reichman; 21:08
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Sorry to hear Kev... robodrug; 14:15
And I am sick... antdude; 19:50
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April 2006