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twist gondry does hot hot heat!

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Oliver Gondry's video for Hot Hot Heat's Goodnight Goodnight.

ournameismud, March 13, 2005 at 7:08:33 AM CET

Really cool technique, but sadly the clip doesn't really show it off much, and just settles in as a performance video. Good clip, I just wish 90% of it wasn't extreme close-ups on the shirts, sort of ruining the point.

binkystick, March 13, 2005 at 7:20:17 AM CET

Not even NEARLY as cool as the description made it out to be. Looks like maybe they ran out of time or money or the technique just didn't work and they hastily edited a performance video. I was really looking forward to this one too.

swish, March 13, 2005 at 8:34:21 AM CET

yeah must agree chaps. If you can't see the whole t-shirt it looks like a bad peformance clip with a well bland filter over it. For Gods bruva this has gone well Pete Tong. Show me that DJ Format clip again I say!

ai, March 13, 2005 at 12:05:53 PM CET

Showing the band on tshirts? Does it make a story? stop mo used gratuitously. mmm i don't know.

captainmarc22, March 14, 2005 at 2:28:53 AM CET

michel he ain't

everyone's right - the T-shirt effect was done "so well" that it looks like some slick compositing and filters. Ah well.

They should have done some shots where they had random people from the street wearing the shirts.

lead singer's rocking the Justin Guarini look, too.

lusk81, March 14, 2005 at 6:11:16 AM CET

Trouble. The amateur factory. I know this 'effect' was very difficult and laborious to pull off, but like stated above, they could've done the vid in after effects without question.

CAPTAIN: I don't think the t-shirt effect was done "well" at all.
AI: This is the wrong rock to be looking for story under.

captainmarc22, March 14, 2005 at 8:14:40 PM CET

lusk: done well in the sense that the T-shirts were so acurately printed and shot that it came across w/ very few flaws, thus when animated, it looked like a filter. Had they been diffferent colored shirts, or different press processes, or maybe even had food spilled on some of the shirts, it might have looked cooler. I'm surprised they didn't do a test and think "hmmm this doesn't look that great." Maybe we just expect too much out of the name Gondry.

waddup, March 22, 2005 at 3:31:23 AM CET

This clip is garbage.


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