Can $40 Million kill a good idea?
We think so...
High Concept / Low Budget - because $40 million can kill a good idea.
The hi/lo film festival has been presenting films you won’t see at the multiplex in San Francisco since 1997.
We accept films under 30 minutes in any genre, shot on any format – music videos, narratives, docs, experimental, animation, bring it on!
*Nov. 1, 2005 Early Bird Deadline submission fee: $15 *Dec. 1, 2005 Regular Deadline submission fee: $25 (*postmarked by dates)
To submit your film: 415.558.7721
“Four days of free-thinking creative combustion.” -San Francisco Bay Guardian
“An eclectic selection of works from all around the country that personifies what being different is. And it’s worth it.”
Daniel Cavey