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Roots Manuva "Colossal Insight" dir. Huse Monfaradi

love the self-abasement...

qt file here

benroll, October 26, 2005 at 12:13:15 PM CEST

Like Roots Manuva himself, it's not shouting, but it's forthright and full of humility. The video stops just short of being too sweet for me and the singalong on the bus feels strangely disjointed. Overall, love it.

salad fingers, October 26, 2005 at 5:32:10 PM CEST

confoundingly mediocre! there seemed to be surprisingly little thought behind this video. the first flash of "oh, what if he was working in a fried chicken place?" seems to be as far as they went in developing the concept, until they realized it wasn't going to be long enough, so they added "and at night he does a ventriloquist show".

if they established he was going to perform that night, we could have been led astray into thinking he was going to be singing, you know, like he does, and then the ventriloquism thing would have been a reveal instead of merely the next shooting location.

progosk, October 26, 2005 at 9:57:19 PM CEST

huse has also just done the rather mundane live clip for the arctic monkeys.

wiggle, October 28, 2005 at 3:07:41 PM CEST

I think Arctic Monkeys is quite good - its based on a late 70s early 80s cool music show called The Old Grey Whistle Test so maybe these are references not being picked up in the US? It was also not very expensive (I think £15k).

Huse's masterwork remains Eric Prydz - our Prime Ministers favourite video so who are we to diagree?


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