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Skinny Puppy "Pro-Test" dir. William Morrison

not usually my sort of stuff, but this is definitely watchable...

qt file here


jacobw, October 26, 2005 at 2:19:24 PM CEST

Yeah, that's some breathtakingly good... breakdancing? B-boying? What do the kids call it nowadays?

The video itself is very well shot and edited. My only quibble is that I wouldn't have minded a little longer takes between cuts, just to let the dancing stand on its own a little.

progosk, October 26, 2005 at 2:46:12 PM CEST

the last two guys are crunking; not sure what the other stuff's called now.

najork, October 26, 2005 at 5:04:02 PM CEST

Repost, so I'll repost my comment too.

"Stan: Listen, there's a dance competition this Saturday and I need good dancers so I don't get served.

Red Goth: [flips his hair back] No way. Dancing is something you do alone in your room at three in the morning.

Stan: [walks up to the red Goth] Please, you guys, our whole town's reputation is at stake! Will any of you do it?

Red Goth: I'm not doin' it. Being in a dance group is totally conformist.

Henrietta: Yeah. I'm not conforming to some dance-off regulations.

Little Goth: I'm not doin' it either. I'm the biggest nonconformist of all.

Tall Goth: I'm such a nonconformist that I'm not going to conform with the rest of you. Okay, I'll do it. [rises and walks over to Stan]

Stan: Great! [they leave together]

Henrietta: Whoa. I think we just got put in our place.

Red Goth: Yeah. We just got Goth-served."

progosk, October 26, 2005 at 5:27:43 PM CEST

oops for the repost (no way i would have found the previous post by searching though...)

oops for crunk - krump's the one.

arru, October 26, 2005 at 6:14:26 PM CEST

"The other stuff" is called mostly the same as in...the 80s? I see windmills, headspins, turtles, some downrocking and various breakdance moves - or "breaking".

This video gets me curious if there actually exists industry- or gothheads that do breaking in the US? 'Cos breaking and hiphop aren't too closely related these days anyway.

captainmarc22, October 26, 2005 at 7:02:06 PM CEST

I remember seeing this on TV and dislking it, but then thinking that the director took a bad song from an old band and tried something interesting. Gotta give props for that. Even if all the actors in this annoy the hell out of me.

tatertot, October 27, 2005 at 12:50:56 AM CEST

That was the silliest and therefore, BEST, music video I have seen in a long time. The red demon eyes at the end were a nice touch.

werker, November 16, 2005 at 6:50:20 AM CET

Skinny Puppy just served the whole world. Hehehe.

I am a "rivethead" and sometimes like to throw down a good old school windmill in front of the goth chicks. The problem has to do with messing up the hair, your makeup, and sharp spikey things sticking into you while you spin around. It isn't that goths dislike breakdancing, it just clashes with our wardrobe.


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