Lindsay Lohan "Confessions of a Teenage Broken Heart" Dir: Lindsay Lohan!
Actress, Singer, Dancer, and now.... DIRECTOR!
Watch in AOL Quicktime!!!!
the first thought - could she somehow... inspired by Tati's Playtime?
lord have mercy.. I have always said, shopping at department stores is a nightmare.. and DRIP instead of Tati- I think the reference your looking for is Michael Gottliebs' 1987 gem "Mannequin"
Does anyone know where I could watch this video since I don't live in the US? The aol player will only let it be viewed from within the united states. Which seems random to me.
US only. ;(
God that's pathetic. Will she please just die.
drip: please wash your mouth out with soap for having dared to put tati in the same sentence as... that...
So I'm aware this is an old ass thread no one gives a shit about, myself included. However...I was talking about this video earlier, (don't ask why) and I realized that since Jake Nava most likely ghosted this bad bitch for her, it may well be a Tati reference. Goddamn do I love overwrought angst,
i know this thread is old but i haven't had a chance to post. I thought it was an intersing video. I'm not a huge fan of lohan but I will give her credit for the video and the bridge in the song. Certain parts of the video was overdone but oh well.