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Music Video Directors Alliance Strike Back

With the release of the video ipod and sales of our work on itunes, the music video has shifted from being a promotional tool, to an income generating revenue source. As writers and directors of these properties we have been completely shut out of this deal. The music video business model is literally changing overnight. We are required to act swiftly or lose our creative rights and economic participation in our intellectual properties forever.

Please read and sign the petition at

Music Video Directors Alliance

spreech, October 31, 2005 at 9:03:16 PM CET

i understand the petition and the spirit behind it, but i dont expect too many people buying musicvideos for their iPods.

progosk, October 31, 2005 at 10:41:05 PM CET

nor did i - however...

spreech, November 1, 2005 at 9:22:17 AM CET

mh. seems like, i was wrong. ---

kevathens, November 1, 2005 at 11:28:56 AM CET

Just as a note, some directors are questioning the validity of this anonymous Music Video Directors Alliance, which is why I think we're not seeing any commentary from the creatives in this post..

Steve Gottleib at Video Static has some more about this:

A petition has been posted online under the banner of the Music Video Directors Alliance that asks Directors Guild of America President Michael Apted to convene an investigative panel and open dialogue with record labels and other involved entities. It's a commendable start, but if directors truly want a change they will probably need to do more than just an anonymous petition to an organization that doesn't represent some of the more prolific video directors and actually singles out music videos as the only type of film work not subject to their agreements.


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