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Christina Aguilera - Fighter (Dir: Floria Sigismondi)

Everyone has seen it by now, but I came across it again... I think it's a very nicely executed, conceptual piece.

spreech, January 4, 2006 at 5:49:55 PM CET

it's still a great video - and I'm sorry: I also like the song. thx for reminding of christina - what the hell is she doing right now?

handy_instrumental, January 4, 2006 at 6:06:20 PM CET

Nine Inch Nails meets Missy...aka Mark Romanek vs. Hype

mvstills, January 4, 2006 at 8:35:52 PM CET

Hype Williams? Why? Funny comment, though.

For me this was the video that turned around my conception of Floria. Back in the 90's her videos were okay but I always felt they looked better when paused that playing. Like she made the videos from the photographs she took and expected the gaps in between to fill themselves. It seemed to me that she and Samuel Bayer were competing for the best out-of-focus video. They both got better at their own game. This video is awesome, really tight and beautiful.

progosk, January 5, 2006 at 1:37:31 AM CET

such a strong style. totally outclassed the blah song (while managing to work with it). surely floria has her director series thang coming?

[linguistically fighter=>falter (germ.: moth) is nice]

thx for this.

breakitdown, January 5, 2006 at 4:44:58 AM CET

one of my favorite videos from that year. but, i'll confess that i really did like dirrty. i think david lachapelle did a really interesting job on kind of a forgettable song. her new album is coming out sometime this year, so hopefully she'll keep going with strong directors for her work.

giovanealex, January 7, 2006 at 12:22:19 AM CET

Oh my dear...look the image: doesn't she look like Björk?


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