the NES tub (dir duncan gidney)
this is a short music video i made about my NES collection.
This is the gayest thing I've ever seen. Literally.....super gay
Gay Gay Gay Gay
Being an avid NES fan, I wanted to like it. Was hoping to like it. I even thought perhaps these other guys were being a little too harsh with their comments.
Unfortunately, I was wrong.
Internet sub-porn exhibitionism meets internet special interest fanzine meets those 1970s KP peanut dispensers in pubs that revealed the scanitly clad lady as you bought the nuts. Very poor.
What a big old pile of shit that was. Big old pile of shit.
If you view it as music video, especially against other music videos on this blog, it's a low-budget slideshow. But as a silly, self-indulgent slideshow, it's good for about a minute. Which is about five minutes in real world time. So don't be discouraged.
actually this was supposed to be a serious documentary about our everyday lives.