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The Energies "Beyond The End", dir. Family

somehow very philip k dick...

mov here.

(link fixed, thx lusk.)

lusk81, February 17, 2006 at 4:51:11 PM CET

P, bad link: use this instead

kurse23, February 17, 2006 at 6:52:29 PM CET

And yet at the same time, not at all like P.K.D.

salad fingers, February 18, 2006 at 1:36:20 AM CET

well i watched this video because of the cool still. i feel tricked.

this was a terribly edited piece of shit that couldn't manage to tell a story or even get across a simple concept.

what the fuck is with the 2001 ending? is he supposed to be encountering an older version of himself? i couldn't tell because of the shitty direction and editing. why did he keep falling down? i could have made this video clearer and funnier with my eyes and mouth sewn shut with wire.

owlzyk, February 18, 2006 at 7:30:27 AM CET

i watched this the other day on mtv2. umm, i thought the concept was pretty easy to understand, its the same guy throughout, looks like an sfx makeup job. Its not like an amazing clip but its got a better look than 80% of the homemade shit posted here.

going by saladfingers comments, looking forward to see his posted directorial efforts, we may just have the new gondry on our hands...

salad fingers, February 18, 2006 at 7:14:56 PM CET

hey owlgiz, i said it was badly directed, not difficult to understand. but i'm glad you like it better than homemade "shit".

which is why you might like my directorial debut - a big fat steaming turd right into your gaping pie-hole.

kidfortoday, February 19, 2006 at 1:40:07 AM CET

salad fingers, your comments are way over the top. I actually think its a very refreshing promo. Nice concept, editing's not amazing but its ok, stunning location and to my mind heaps better than most of the tripe out there at the moment. who wants another multi-angle beyonce video with butts, cars and explosions? Not me, I'll take this any day. A breath of fresh air.

ironman, February 19, 2006 at 8:46:50 PM CET

This is a cool little video. Very simple but sometimes its the simplest ideas that work the best. I see the Philip K Dick comparison with the ageing (or de-ageing) of the character and the concept of time..the clue is in the title of the song/promo. I don't quite get why the guy keeps falling down but I guess that's for the viewer to work out.

The editing could be better at the end to make it clearer that the young guy is meeting his older persona and also more should've been made of what looks like a great location - with some long panoramic shots for example. But generally, its pretty good. Makes you think too, which is what any good music video or indeed movie should do!

progosk, February 20, 2006 at 1:10:09 PM CET

re PKD: this new trailer for "scanner"'s better than the previous one - i'm still unsure as to the point of the rotoshopping, though...


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