Subsonica "Incantevole" (dir. Maki Gherzi)
"it's a fragile day outside..." (slow starter - stick with it.)
swf here.
Would be much interesting if they were missiles not meteors. nice weird mix of shitty music/dumb vid/strange stuff going on.
interesting work.. reminds me the work of Neill Blomkamp...
bella Maki...
'fragile' ... it really takes it s time, good & consequent idea. not sure if that s enough though.
Would be much interesting if they were missiles not meteors.
well, or, for that matter: airplanes. that was my first guess.
I think this is very cool and thoughtful and is as much about the invisible world as anything else. Forget whether they're rockets or comets, what's cooler is that they go laregly unnoticed (until the last scene, which I do think is an off note). I've also got a serious crush on the female lead.
distractedly i read them as missiles - but of course ai's right. strange case of pol.correct.
maki's definitely got a blomkamp thang (vis. his planet funk). he comes from an architecture collective, so imagine the thrill he got out of trashing gehry's work there (actually: i wonder whether they cleared it with him...).
nice subtle styling in bits (the trajectory shadows on the river, f. ex.)