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The Presets - Talk Like That (Dir: Jonas & Francois )

The Presets - Talk Like That

parmezan, July 29, 2008 at 1:23:45 PM CEST

Really nice set design and lighting, art direction for stills on the wall are great too.....


It's nothing more than a Ksubi commercial with a "crazy" model throwing rock props around...I felt confused and a little ill.

Maybe they are just targeting the lowest common denominator and my opinions are totally insignificant.

wing, July 29, 2008 at 1:24:16 PM CEST

Stylistically interesting with a great set, adequate dramatic lighting and the obsessed fan homage thing is an interesting departure point but the narrative unfolds as nothing more than a slick urban just jeans add. Yes i want'd to bone the girl in the blue stockings but after the initial aesthetic enjoyment of the set this video offered little else.

parmezan, July 29, 2008 at 3:31:05 PM CEST

Is kansas the scarface of antville?

progosk, July 29, 2008 at 3:51:02 PM CEST

trespassin' on your turf, is he?

encino, July 29, 2008 at 3:57:05 PM CEST

A question? Is the fact that jonais and francois had something to do with justice, kanye west and madonna more of a selling point for the presets and their audience then the actual quality of the video? As in do the presets actually gain more by being associated with madonna or justice then the video actually being a worthwhile viewing experience?

vedgal, July 29, 2008 at 4:03:20 PM CEST

One word - AWFUL

igor33, July 29, 2008 at 4:28:30 PM CEST

There is really no idea here, but it's shot and framed really nice. Loved the lighting! Their ability to visually sustain a totally no-concept video like this is sure to guarantee them a succesfull career in directing Nice filmmaking chops considering the non-content.. This is their first live-action thingy, right? I can see how this is great for their reel, regardless how it works music video wise. Even though 'hot chick being sexy' is the lamest music video cliché ever.

budget, July 29, 2008 at 5:25:08 PM CEST

My guess is that like every Presets video, there is basically no budget here. Anything more than a camera, location, and random hot girl probably came out of their own pocket. With that in mind, a great video considering the limitations.

parmezan, July 29, 2008 at 5:47:40 PM CEST

30k+ is hardly "basically no budget" ... which is what I assume has been the case for the last couple of videos at least.

Again, this is not a case of budget constraints, this is simply a steaming pile in the most traditional sense.

Where art brother Moyes?

blancs, July 29, 2008 at 6:15:50 PM CEST

I actually really like this. its meant to be funny right? the stills on the wall are brilliant.

shatner, July 29, 2008 at 11:02:47 PM CEST

Imagine getting this tune in your inbox!
Must have been about 15k I'd say (unless Parmezan knows better).
My favourite thing in the vid are the costumes that the band wear. They're natty.

otc, July 30, 2008 at 1:36:11 AM CEST

This crowd gets more ridiculously self-righteous every day. There are a lot of bad videos in the world, this is not one of them. Not the best Presets video but it fits nicely in the videography IMO. The Madonna/Kanye comment is just fucking stupid. Of course it's not a selling point, I read Antville everyday and I still have a hard time remembering the difference between Jonas & Francois or Rozan & Schmeltz. Why would anyone else care? They probably write good treatments.

caddy, July 30, 2008 at 3:09:47 AM CEST

I would say parmezan is right. It would be closer to 30k then 15k, most australian bands of that calibre have atleast 20k to 30k for videos. Regardless of budget there are plenty of videos that are better then this for smaller budgets. This was on the modular website. 'The clip from directors Jonas & Francois (filmmakers behind Kanye West’s The Good Life, Justice’s D.A.N.C.E, Madonna and JT’s 4 Minutes ) takes the track up to another level, embodying unhealthy obsession and hero worship within the desperate dance of a Carrie-esque rock chick, who excels in destroying an array of musical instruments before the altar of The Presets' So I guess to some degree they are using Jonas and Francois' previous associations as a selling point. I agree with shatner though; i cant say i would be too impressed if i were asked to make a video for this song.

shatner, July 30, 2008 at 11:44:27 AM CEST

(sorry caddy- I actually said that because I like the tune and is much better than the tunes I get sent (!)- but different strokes n all that! Also, £15k = $30k so we might be talking the same amount, but... meh, yawn, bothered, etc...)

talklikematt, July 30, 2008 at 2:29:45 PM CEST

It's not that bad, but at the same time it's not that great - like most of their videos.

JonasFrancois, August 2, 2008 at 3:04:18 PM CEST

Hi everybody. If we can answer to all your comments, past comments, futur comments on videos.anteville. Excuse us for our english.

First, let us say The Presets ask us to make a video a long time ago, before the Kanye West and Madonna video. No selling point or things like that, we just know them and share same love of music and video ideas. They love the video.

We just think there is something wrong about us with Parmezan and Kansas. We love to read Video.anteville blog like the Superette blog too. We love to read critisms (positive or negative), just to know how YOU receive all our videos. We think you have different taste, advices who can count for us.

BUT WHY Kansas and Parmezan are you such hard with us?? We make the videos we love, we think ideas, write projects, our goal isn't to make everytime the MOST CREATIVE stuffs or win MTV awards.... We just make videos we like, trying to make it as the same as we had think. We don't create videos for having good marks. We dont care.

We are interesting about seeing the videoreel of Kansas or Parmezan. IT seems they really knows how to do better music videos, MORE CREATIVE, MORE FANCY STUFFS or whatever.. Just send links and after we ll can judge if this aggressivity is really justified.

For the DANCE video, just knows that you true (reply to a comment on Better than Prince), WE and SO-ME are the owner of the concept, idea, we create the videos both, share long time ago. But that's just not less him or us. We have made first the ED Banger teaser for ED REc Vol3. After ED Banger team had the idea to collaborate with us. So-Me and us knows each other who have the talent to do what. We respect each other, and the work of each other, we are friends.

Some people here are just the only one who try to established a fight between us.

Kind regards, the directors

progosk, August 2, 2008 at 4:02:18 PM CEST

ciao, les gars. nice of you to drop by. there's this saying in english, that might be of use to you: donnez jamais à manger aux trolls...

igor33, August 2, 2008 at 5:07:50 PM CEST

Keep up the good work guys!

kansas, August 4, 2008 at 5:50:01 AM CEST

Sorry as an audience member i just dont like this video. I almost find it offensive. There seems to be more than parmezan and myself here who dont like this video. I actually thought it was a joke. You cant seriously tell me that getting a sexy 20 something year old girl to half heartedly throw some instruments around in front of two pictures of the presets is an interesting concept. Maybe if the girl wasn't sexy and she was way more crazy it could have worked but as it stands it comes off as a pretentious fashion label TVC aimed at 15 year olds. I mean do you think we are all stupid in australia? Maybe you think we just roam the australian outback chasing kangaroos and eating witchetty grubs?

budget, August 4, 2008 at 10:13:12 AM CEST

Maybe Kansas is a lost cause, but I'm still hoping we get to see Parmezan's body of work in this thread...

Tragedy, August 4, 2008 at 10:26:57 AM CEST

I suspect kansas is quizmaster. Nuff said. Ignore him.

budget, August 4, 2008 at 10:35:05 AM CEST

He does write with the same weird "outraged schoolmaster" tone... I should have known. I always hate when people open their critiques on this site with "sorry", it's so presumptive.

kansas, August 4, 2008 at 1:04:15 PM CEST

Ok I admit the video is actually really good. Infact every video ever posted on this site is actually really good. Actually every music video i have ever seen is amazing. There are no shit ones, no average ones and no good ones. They are all just amazing, equally amazing!

budget, August 4, 2008 at 1:11:14 PM CEST

I am ignoring you.

kansas, August 4, 2008 at 1:20:23 PM CEST

Are you repeatedly shouting 'nah nah nah nah' with your fingers in your ears or more accurately your hands over your eyes like a spoilt little child?

budget, August 4, 2008 at 1:23:47 PM CEST

I think you'd be surprised at how subtly I'm ignoring you. Arms crossed. Eyes at middle distance.

jvll, August 4, 2008 at 2:30:15 PM CEST

J & F. Don't let anyone who posts on this site get you down. True, there are a few creative individuals, directors, producers, and reps that post on here from time to time but most of us are just fans of music videos. There are also many who spend too many hours here posing as critics, who try and win the site's respect by acting as though they are knowledgeable by some ridiculously magical means of what makes something "good" or "shit". There are very few that offer anything close to constructive criticism.'s probably best to heed progosk's advice and/or simply ignore the site completely. These are, after all, JUST music videos. Just keep being creative and doing what you love.

@ budget. I've asked kansas to post her/his work before ( you are a HER, correct kanas? ). Regardless, kansas is extremely good at ignoring that request. But maybe you've gotten through to her and warmed her heart a degree or two. It appears she deleted her earlier post ;)

captainmarc22, August 4, 2008 at 6:17:22 PM CEST

Jonas & Francois:

Requiring commenters to have reels is stupid. That's like saying the only people who can write movie reviews must be feature film directors. Only other bands can write rock reviews. Only other politicians can write op-ed pieces.

Do you really think you'll get constructive criticism from other directors who are completely unanonymous? You won't. It's a competitive business but people try to be civil on the surface. Only saying that because you said "We love to read critisms (positive or negative)."

Just ignore reviews if you don't want to read potentially critical ones. A lot of people ignore movie reviews (and are proud of it), and a lot of those people just saw The Mummy 3. Props to 'em.

I thought Parmezan gave a solid, not-at-all-personal critique. Kansas did too (after your letter).

I for one think the Presets "Are You the ONe" is one of the best of all time. And Kris Moyes' second clip was pretty damn amazing. I really liked J&F's Madonna video, and had a fun time watching their Kanye and Justice ones.

This one is very forgettable. I wouldn't say it's horrible; but I got bored after 20 seconds and fast forwarded thru the rest. I don't particularly think the song is great. And it's tough to spend a whole video in a single room. The closeups of the Presets poster seemed like an after thought - maybe there was a more clever concept to be had there. Girl looked cute, film looked great - but everything just dragged.

And the guitar smash sucked! That should have been the coolest part of the video.

jvll, August 4, 2008 at 6:51:08 PM CEST

captainmarc22, I agree that requiring commentators to have a reel IS stupid. However, couldn't you agree that a review, giving praise or critique, is a tad tenuous when it is done in complete anonymity? For me, there's naturally a large difference between the way I absorb, say, kevathens comments or progosks ( neither of them being directors/industry people as far as I can tell ) and the way I read someone like kansas's posts. There's just a natural disingenuous feel to them since there's a lack of context as to the person behind the screen name. I have some idea of where kev and progosk are coming from. I could email them if I so chose. I'm not sure if I ever read a serious op-ed piece written by a mrbojangles1983. It takes guts for many artists to put work with their real name on it out into the world but the nature of the internet has promoted cowardice amongst would-be critics. Why should an artist waste time taking them seriously when the commentator is hiding in anonymity? But I guess that's just how it is I suppose.

cheers, anonymous ;)

my name is legion, August 5, 2008 at 1:56:14 AM CEST - not bad

2.kansas arent you a she? you sound like she to me

3.progosk, drop this pidgin bullshit, you sound like an old man who spends way too much time on the internet. go breastfeed your children or something, you getting on my nerves you fuckwad.

shatner, August 5, 2008 at 4:09:05 PM CEST

Matei, When I saw that Soulsavers vid you did I thought that you were quite talented. Don't degrade yourself and your talent by being petty and antagonistic on a blog.

kansas, August 11, 2008 at 3:24:28 AM CEST

P.S 'Tragedy', I am not quizmaster and yes 'legion' I am a girl. 'Jvill' maybe i dont have a 'reel'... what then?

parmezan, August 12, 2008 at 6:52:07 AM CEST

I agree totally with captainmarcs comments above.

As for Jonas and Francois, you're saying that sometimes you don't try very hard or don't try to make something that is very creative... I'm disappointed that is how you feel.

"our goal isn't to make everytime the MOST CREATIVE stuffs or win MTV awards...."

"We don't create videos for having good marks. We dont care."

This is the very point I was making, a stock-standard video which serves it's purpose as a marketing device... but now we've heard it straight from the directors.

Sorry if I offended you, but criticism is the nature of the blog, good and bad, as you said yourselves.


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