Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" Dir: Francis Lawrence
as highly rated francis lawrence is, he's still massively underrated. like vastly, vastly underrated.
More fake cryptic symbolism? In my Lady Gaga?
pretty fucking epic, if i may. (she skews repulsion to a pretty high proof...)
sexy the video and laady gaga matthew barney next, please
I wonder what the total budget was, production and post?
What's Francis Lawrence doing shooting a video that looks like it took money to make? Doesn't he know it's not the nineties anymore? "There's no money in music videos."
No matter which director applies themselves to Gaga, it always seems like they are polishing a turd. Agree with Legion too, obviously inspired by Barney.
that's quite a closing shot if i've ever seen one
This is pretty great I believe there is still money in music videos. Also, she's starting to look more like marilyn manson.
I would guess that someone on the production team took a few lessons from Saville's erotic house (nsfw). Loved the whole package. I get the impression that Gaga is more interested in titillating than making a point, fair enough.
she's starting to look more like cher than marilyn manson. what is that? stylised gaga sucks. the end is awesome.
agree with lashtape 100%.
gaga will never have an interesting, original clip. there are several reasons why this is, but the main reason is that the video concepts are never different enough from each other to establish scale. everything is big, goofy, and lifeless. another reason is that she over-calculates these types of things. let the video have a life of its own. entering a project with a pile of reference material and/or mood boards is a recipe for disaster. we get it, gaga — you like fashion, art, and music. don't insult us by shoving it in our face.
francis lawrence is one of the most celebrated figures in the industry. if this production were applied to another artist, it would have shined. instead, i am treated to this awful entity being put through the (incredible) francis lawrence filter. i'm bummed that she was able to collaborate with him, but i am sure he was compensated well enough to move on and forget about the experience.
End shot was fantastic, also liked when the dancers first emerged from the isolation pods. Dancing was a little blah but overall the video kept me interested if only by art direction and cinematography. Speaking of which a number of references thrown in there, Barney for sure, David la Chapelle, Nagi Noda hair animals and many more. 80's is finally over, new age 90's has hit the mainstream.
Nice one.
I've always thought that if a video isn't going to have a real idea, it should at least LOOK pretty. And this one, like Kansas pointed out, is all about the aesthetics. Having said that I know exactly where you're coming from Milan. Gaga's mood boards must be pretty scary.
Remember F. Lawrence's work with Gwen Stefani? I thought that one was dead on. And it certainly had all the elements of a commercial video.
Pretty great, and though the budget was larger than most these days the current state of Music Videos certainly had an effect. Numerous setups but generally all in the same (well art directed) location. If this had been made even 2 years ago im sure the loacation work would have a larger scope. All in all great, and I havent seen her look this good in anything else, that Beauty Close Up is L-E-G-I-T, anyone know the DP? Rouger?
totally agree with milan, nice analysis. gaga-olala.
Amazing. I can only think of maybe 2 other artists capable of wearing that entire wardrobe.
I've seen sex sold better but at least the lighting is nice. Who shot this? Jeff Cutter?
Also what escapes me is why everyone is wondering where the money came from? Notice any vodka in the video?
In America we see cell phones in big budget videos a la "waking up in vegas". I'm guessing this is for the European market where they can push whatever brand vodka is the video.
If you want a budget sell a product other than the artist.
I guess it's not all about vodka...
It's also hard to make a good music video when the song is the aural equivalent of frozen vomit
Shockwave, don't forget the shoes:

Or the wii:

A big music video catalog. Just in time for xmas!
DP was Thomas Kloss
Gaga saw the decade list and tried to throw one more video in there (I'm not saying this should be on the list).In a mainstream sense, Lawrence is one of the best music video directors out there, and this proves it. The Product Placement brought the video down. While the product placement isnt as in your face as that Bacardi shot in the "Lovegame" video, this was too much.
Why is everyone getting their knickers in a twist over this video? We've all seen this aesthetic before. Feels like Joseph Khan + Kubrick. Eugh.
...And she really pisses me off. Ooh, you're so kooky and fashion. Bore off... you look terrible.
The last shot is what the whole video should have been. At least it has a sense of humour.
I liked those shoes.
You know, I really like Lady Gaga. I thought this video was beautifully shot, had some batshit-insane fashion and it lit stuff on fire. Call me simple, but these are my three favourite things in videos. I was totally entertained and thought it was a great job all around.
u mean to tell me after having not seen a big budget, high gloss, amazingly lit, non-Rage, video in about 100 years, all you can do is spit on it? .... I mean cmon people... this shit looks great... who cares if its just Gaga Lawrencefied? Isn't that the whole point?
No kidding... It's a video for Lady Gaga, not Peaches. The video looks great; I can't see how anyone could knock the visual aspsects of this video... If <10 seconds of product placement in a 5 minute video gives you cash for a better production, why the hell not go for it? Heck, most pop videos are chopped to 3:30 minutes - kudos for getting the full 5 minutes and filling every second with awesome footage.
I've watched this video 3 times already. I bet even the haters watched it all the way through. More than I can say about 98% of the videos on this site.
It helps the song is... awesome?
That was a brain kickin' killer and if your minded to be dissin' it Well produce summit to floor it
I like this video. A lot.
When Gaga first appeared on the scene I rolled my eyes, but she is definitely growing on me and this clip helps. Obviously they had a thick budget and much of that must have come from the product placings - but is that really a shock or a deal-breaker here at the end of 2009? For those that decry product placement, I point out that every music video ever made has a product placed at it's center - the artist/song.
Does this look take something from some previous photos/videos? Sure, but certainly no more than most. I though the biggest reference was 'Eastern Promises' and Gaga was gonna fight a naked Viggo Mortensen with a carpet knife. Now THAT would have been a video!
I watched this video all the way through, and more than once. That is a rarity for me. I am jaded and this kept my interest. This clip made me watch. This made me more interested in the artist (doing a genre of music that is not exactly my fave) than I was before I watched the video. Mission accomplished.
re: the product placement, i am always for it. why not inflate everyone's check in exchange for a couple of shots in the final edit? i had nothing to say about the product placement, because my issues with gaga go beyond this.
the haters watch this all the way through (and maybe even a couple more times) because they want desperately to like it. they are not bad people.
shatner: you are my hero.
and i knew that some gaga fans would somehow end up on this site to support the video and attempt involvement in the discussion...
If you don't see the brilliance of this video, you either hate Gaga, or just pop music in general. This is hands-down the most effective music video of the year.
Also, isn't it kind of amazing that we live in a time where this freaky, subversive, conceptualist nightmare is considered mainstream American pop music?
I am for more money for everyone as much as the next guy (who also probably likes money), So product placement doesn't bother me too much, especially these days, but the whole "it was < 10 seconds" is kinda bullshit. It's a cousin of the "let me just put the tip in" argument.
FLawrence deserves a Shooter Series DVD
That was awesome (like so many others have mentioned, I couldn't stop watching) and if Lady GaGa is the vanguard of 21st century pop then I just want to say, 'thank you'.
Sims Version (that's when you know you hit it big).
She is considerably more attractive in this Sims version.
like batty boys would know

I wonder if they'll have a preparation/tucking/taping scene in the making of?

Free speech n' all dat! But isms like Batty Bwoy daint seem no money spinner!
Yes. Homophobes do suck.
that might be tru, but faggots do it even better (lame, i know, but couldn't help it)
grow up
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