Rituel - Club Zanzibar directed by Terrible Twins
The video tells a universal story. Five mysterious characters head to a secret place in the wild, to carry out a ritual. The enigmatic world in which they evolve shows the ruins of an industrial civilization where nature reclaimed its rights. The ritual takes the form of various dances, all with the same goal: enjoy, reach a state of trance, forget your ego, unite, love.
Directed by Terrible Twins in collaboration with Gerda le Fou and Linas Justice Art direction, production and editing by Terrible Twins Camera by Linas Justice and Gerda le Fou Costumes by Agne Biskyte and Terrible Twins
“Club Zanzibar” is as much a reference to the Tanzanian archipelago as it is to the eponymous nightclub, open during the 80s and located in Newark, New Jersey. Much like the Paradise Garage in Manhattan, Club Zanzibar is where the garage scene was invented and defined, but in an even freer and wilder form. Using some of the African music samples unearthed by the club’s DJs to pep up their sets, the Rituel track celebrates this freedom with a tribal and sensual groove, an anthemic chorus and a theremin finale that is viciously acidic.
Music: “Club Zanzibar (Radio Version)“ Composed, produced and programmed by Rituel (Christophe Monier and Thomas Regnault) Copyright control ISRC FR-R63-13-04162 Taken from the EP "Deux" © 2013 Micronautics
Links: Rituel - soundcloud.com Terrible Twins - terribletwins.co.uk Gerda Le Fou - vimeo.com Linas Justice - vimeo.com Agne Biskyte - bisabis.eu