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Domo Darko and other vids by Fnord

This is a video I made back in February, but with the single being released in England this month it's started to get a bit more attention again. The music is a Gary Jules cover of 'Mad World' taken from the Donnie Darko soundtrack album and the imagery is all taken from several short Domo-kun clips. is the main page, with links to the 8.5MB avi version (best not to try and stream this) and a 6MB realplayer version

Also on the page there's a link to a similar kind of thing I did with footage from the film 'Amelie' and the song 'Where Do You Go To My Lovely?'

The m3tatweening might interest a few people too - link to embedded flash. Exquisite Corpse style animation (20 animators per phase working blind to each other's work given only a start frame and an end frame and left to their own devices to get from one to the other) with the music being a Ewan Pearson remix of 'Train' by Goldfrapp. If you like that then you can see more including a 25 min version of phase 3&4 joined together here.

Just for completion's sake there's a Low Quality version of a video I put together for the song 'Grab My Shaft' by Louis Austen & Peaches.


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Recent comments:
This really is the... kevathens; 02:44
New fave kevathens; 02:39
8.5B kevathens; 23:43
2.1B kevathens; 23:42
Tony was an 80’s... kevathens; 01:30
178M hits kevathens; 01:28
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Thank you kevathens; 22:12
On the other hand,... robodrug; 21:42
I'll pass on this... robodrug; 15:58 kevathens; 01:07
Kind of scared that... kevathens; 02:15
A little boring but... kevathens; 22:31
Telenova has 2 great... kevathens; 18:24
For some unfathomable reason... robodrug; 16:44
A fresh rejigged version... robodrug; 01:22
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but don't it gets... robodrug; 01:23
Haven’t heard anything bad... kevathens; 01:09
Couldnt make heads or... kevathens; 01:25
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I'd say you were... robodrug; 16:47
Think I saw this... kevathens; 01:31
‘..inspired by Midsommar' kevathens; 00:37
Vibrant kevathens; 00:30
Henry hasn’t been around,... kevathens; 03:24
Historic? y/n? kevathens; 03:20
Great vid kevathens; 22:13
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Cheers Kev :) robodrug; 03:01
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+1 kevathens; 00:35
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July 2024