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T.Raumschmiere "Sick Like Me" by Brendan McNamee

can't stand the track, but the somewhat trashy fx are worth a watch

qt here, courtesy of the iTMS itself

progosk, September 12, 2005 at 12:33:52 AM CEST

for the common good (as long as it lasts) here's how to get those movs out of the iTMS: if you ctrl-click the thumbnail of a video in the iTMS video gallery, you get the option of copying the iTMS URL. do that, and then paste it here...


captainmarc22, September 12, 2005 at 12:56:44 AM CEST

progosk - do you know how to get direct wmv/asf links from the MTV site? I've seen it done here before but can't figure it out - their player has very limited platform compatibility.

I love the AOL site - all quicktimes, all easy to direct link.

progosk, September 12, 2005 at 1:04:18 AM CEST

i'm on a mac, so i can't even get into the mtv overdrive thing.

if there's another site you mean (i never check those...) let me know and i'll try.

progosk, September 12, 2005 at 1:16:30 AM CEST

ok, tried here and made some headway. basically all you need to do is use firefox. once you had the mtv media player window open and the commercial starts to play, choose Tools>Page Info and then go to the Media tab; as you scroll down you'll come across one item that's an Embed (it'll look somthing like this:

used as a link in a browser, this launches windows media player - but on a mac it only plays the ad, because the video is DRM'd, and so it's a version of wmv that macs just can't play.

is that any help? ciaoz


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