S.T.R.E.E.T.S - dir - Corey Adams
very suiting for the band - heres a video from awesome vancouver band S.T.R.E.E.T.S
very very hip indeed! hip as in bad not bad meaning bad but bad meaning way fucking hip :)
that was a seriously long rockin' room!!
That video is at its best when it get to the little sorceress girl.
I love this video perfectly un wanky!
ew... too hip for me.
i agree this video is trying too hard to be hip.
the little kids are awesome this is'nt trying to be hip if they wanted it to be hip they would have used less nerdy people and would have contrasted everything to make it more like an apple commercial or something. it is so obvious with the three marks in the one pole. maybe a few of the people are looking a little too cool but the rest look like a bunch of friends getting drunk. this video looks like it cost nothing. if so it's amazing how smooth the transitions are
i agree the transitions are rad. i'm just not into scenesters...living in los angeles will do this to you.
art school kids! they could be from anywhere??? i see where you're coming from though
what is it about this video that makes my ears bleed? is the embarassing thin-lizzie-guitars? is it how painfully aware they all are they're in a video? is it the intense boredom my upper cortex suffered throughout?
only exception: the little sorceress. she's a beacon of cool in this sorry effort of a clip.
so so wrong, this video is perfect, these kids are their friends who go to their shows, who cares if they are aware of the camera, that makes it more natural in a way. And the song is fucking awesome.
i hate to hate, so i'll think of you as the little sorceress then, if you don't mind.
OK thanks.
i think this video has good family values & little sorceress fucking rules