Dream the Dream Dir. Ivan Zacharias
Video Esque. Brilliant
This was directed by the illustrious and often amazing Ivan Zacharias.
This is awesome.
Here's Ivan's oeuvre of short form work: www.smugglersite.com
whoa, big money
Man, I hate it when I love an ad. But what a fucking ad. Awesome.
I'm off to buy a Honda! Marvelous...
Too bad there wasn't any footage of him riding one of these www.honda-robots.com
He's never done a music video.
One of the most eloquent directors alive.
Makes many of his more commonly known peers look like amateurs.
Someone get him to do a video.
Hey guys don't lose your shit. He's technically strong and in every way classy. But he's not getting at anything.
Give him commercials. Not undeserved praise like he's "one of the most eloquent directors alive."
Too far.
Hey me.. i lost my shit and i am a fool.
Give me commercials and don't give me praise like i am "one of the most eloquent directors alive." Not far enough.
Lusk......Yoda you are not. Good this ad is.
Guys you smash on me when I find a rat. Someone named "admirer from afar" writes weirdly high praise for a commercial director and in turn people feign my nick and throw mud.
Zacharias' work is all around classy and just great. I've been a fan for a while now.
The smirnoff ad he did (like this one) is incredible.
But what gives?
Isn't that Garrison Keillor as the announcer at the end?
I hate that guy.