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Make Believe "Small Apartment Party Epiphany" dir. B. Driscoll-Luttringer, S. Drypolcher & H. Murai

a flock of segals.

flv here (on a mac? see here.) commondeer page here

thejako, February 7, 2006 at 12:11:58 AM CET

well done, a little rip off of what Michael Naimark did in the 80's

look here: more comments,....

funtoosh, February 7, 2006 at 1:09:50 AM CET

flv on a mac: you can use this player. only works for downloaded videos, but otherwise it works pretty well. (bit slow on my old imac, but everything faster than a G3 should be fine)

progosk, February 7, 2006 at 1:13:03 AM CET

nicely spotted, thejak! here's a mov of that naimark thing.

antdude, February 7, 2006 at 1:25:25 AM CET

Windows users, what did you use to play MakeBelieve.flv? I got no video. I got audio. I tried VideoLAN Client Media Player v0.8.4a. I also tried Media Player Classiv v6.8.4.7 but it couldn't render FLV at all.

I also try Linux's MPlayer v1.0-pre7-3.3.6, and it couldn't show the video either. :(

progosk, February 7, 2006 at 1:25:25 AM CET

thx funtoo - it's a little shaky in spots and butt-ugly to boot, but it's managing where vlc 0.8.1 was failing...

progosk, February 7, 2006 at 1:31:21 AM CET

for pc's, some say Riva (it's free), others say flv-player s.

incidentally, that last site has a mac version too - it's even uglier than wimpy, but seems to play them a tad smoother.

funtoosh, February 7, 2006 at 3:45:16 AM CET

flv/flash video just ain't no fun ;-( hopefully there'll be support for it in a future version of vlc, or even quicktime … flash seems to become a replacement for real vs. mov vs. wmv on more and more video sites (is this a good thing?), so there better be a good (offline) player.

PS it’s a shame they don’t let the flash standalone player play this.


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